Monday, April 7, 2014

To an Amazing Woman

Ever since I have met and been taken in by Spencer's family, I have been overwhelmed by the amount of support, generosity, and love I have received. Spencer and I both always talk about how much we are so grateful that we have so many amazing people in our lives to help us and love us. One of these people individually is a woman who goes by the name of "Grandma Greer". That is what she is known to by almost anybody that meets her. She is the most selfless, generous, willing to help, friendliest, Christlike person I have ever met. Not only does she take care of her and her husband, but she is:
 an on call babysitter for anyone in the family
a taxi to the airport
a cheerleader at EVERY event that needs (or deserves) a cheerleader
a hand of relief for working parents
a small business supporter
a new talent investor
a dinner delivery service
an employee at the QC historical society
a mother
 a grandmother
and a great-grandmother among other things!
She does more for other people than anybody I have ever known. Especially for Spencer and I. After I had Brynlee, Grandma brought us a ton of groceries...just because. She has spoiled us with more Christmas gifts, anniversary gifts, birthday gifts, mother's day gifts, etc. than any person could ever ask for. She has let us borrow her car while ours was in the shop without even batting an eye. She has gone out of her way on multiple occasions to make our lives easier. She sees a need and she fills it. She is the most perfect example I have seen of someone who cares more about others than she does about herself. Whether she is sick or hurting, other people's needs come first. She thinks about other people and the ways that she can serve them every minute of the day. When I think of someone that shows unconditional love, it is Grandma Greer who comes into my mind. Even though she can be a bit pushy sometimes, it only shows us how much she loves us. One of the biggest acts of service she has provided Spencer and I lately though, has been the biggest blessing in our lives. I don't think we will ever be able to repay the generosity and the love that she has shown us. 

Spencer and I have been living with one car for the entirety of our marriage (a whole 2 years baby!). When our tax return came, we decided it might be a good idea to get a second car. We looked and we researched and we decided that while we could afford to buy the car, the upkeep and the gas and repairs on another clunker would just be too much for us to afford, so we decided to be more frugal with our money and just put it away to save. Friday night, we get a call from Grandma Greer telling us that there is an extra car at her house that was in need of a home. She said that she felt we were the people that needed it most. We talked about it, talked to her, and she ended up selling us the car for a dirt cheap price that is WAY below the car's value. We are so grateful to have a second car. We could not have had it without the Christlike love that we have been shown. I don't think Spencer and I could ever accurately put into words our gratitude for the many blessings that Grandma Greer had given us. There is no way we will ever be able to let her know how truly thankful we are. But here is my best shot:

I love you Grandma. You have truly blessed my life and I am grateful to know you. I am grateful to have you as an example of pure and selfless love and kindness. I look up to you, I appreciate you, and I hope you know that we really truly are more grateful than we could ever say. We feel our Savior's love through you. Thank you for being who you are.

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