Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Easter 2014: Her First One!

This year Easter was much more fun since Brynlee was here! Saturday morning we had Easter Breakfast with the Smiths. We had waffles with Strawberries and bacon! MMMMmmmm. There was an egg hunt for the kids and then they had to irrigate so all of the kids played in it for over an hour! Brynlee was so good! She got to play with her cousin Lucy who she doesn't see very often and see all of the family too!

We had the family party at the Hon's at night! We had yummy sandwiches and they did another egg hunt (Brynlee is still too little to be out in the yard so she didn't do eggs this year). They did a cute "12 eggs of Easter" Family home evening, telling the story of Christ's resurrection.

I went grocery shopping while Spencer played ball with the boys. What he didn't know is that I was getting the rest of his stuff for his Easter basket that I had been planning all week! That's right folks...I KEPT A SECRET!!

Sunday morning I got up fairly early with Brynlee and we went out to the car and put the baskets together. I decided from now on that the gifts from the Easter bunny are going to be Ties for the boys and dresses for the girls! (plus some candy) Anyways, Spencer was really excited about his basket and Brynlee loved the ball she got and she loved playing with the eggs I put in her basket! So fun.

I am so grateful for the time of year to celebrate the life of our Savior! It's a great excuse to share a little love and to really think about your life and the things that God has done for you, including sending His son to Earth to atone for our sins! I am so grateful for that atonement and I know that #becauseofhim I can be with my family forever and be forgiven of my sins :). I know He lives!!!!!!

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