Friday, May 31, 2013


I was talking to Spencer the other day about why the heck we didn't have a song! Even at our reception we just kinda did our first dance to whatever was on the ipod. Through our entire time of knowing each other (a whole 21 months!) we have never had a song that clicked for us. I know you don't have to have a song, but it's always fun to have one that just reminds you of someone and gives you warm and fuzzies when you hear it. Well, today while working I turned on Pandora (I never do this...but today I just wanted to listen to some good old Keith Urban radio). About two songs in I started listening to this song. It was a song I had heard about a bajillion times but this time it really hit me hard. Spencer and I have had a really good relationship week. We have been able to spend a ton of time together and just spend time talking and remembering why we fell in love with each other and how blessed we are to have each other. I have LOVED this so much. Then to hear this song just put the icing on the cake!! Thank goodness for country music and the feel good songs that come out of it :).

Thank you Brad for giving us a song :).

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Crazy Week

This week has been so NUTS! We have had something going almost every single night which makes this lady super tired!

Last Wednesday was my brother-in-law Hunter's graduation. I was really excited that we could go support him and we even had awesome seats! They had chairs set up behind the graduates facing the stage and we had front row! (Spencer's mom won them in a silent auction or something, it was like VIP treatment!) That was super long and boring, as all graduations are, but we now have another high school grad in our midst! Congratulations Hunter!

Thursday: Hunter and his cousin Logan (who also graduated) had a party for all of their friends. I officially feel super old after going to that party. We mostly were there to be the secret-under-cover chaperones but I definitely felt my youth slipping away as all of these newly graduated seniors hung out together.
*On a side note: I remember feeling so mature when I graduated. I felt like I was an adult and that I was so much cooler than all of the kids younger than me. I know realize that I was still just as immature as they were! And NOW I am probably still super immature....I don't feel like it though :)*
That night was really chill but it was still a party!

Friday: Our first of 2 nights playing babysitter at my mom's. Her and my dad decided to go on a last minute cruise and somehow talked me into staying at their house! ;) It actually went really well that night. I brought over ice cream sandwiches and a movie that most of them hadn't seen and we all just sorta chilled.

Saturday: that morning we made breakfast burritos (with mashed up tater tots because there were no hash browns) and hung out until we decided to go to the pool. We had to wait in line for a little over 40 minutes before we got let in and we were up pretty close to the front. SO glad we left when we did. We swam and let me tell you...swimming+pregnant body=happiness. It felt so good to be in the water for 1. because it was hot outside and 2. because it takes all pressure off your back. I might need to get an indoor pool for my living room so I can just sit in it all day. After swimming, Spencer and I got to take the night off and spend some time with his best friend and his fiance and another couple playing games. His friend lives in Utah right now going to school but he happened to be in town helping his family move and wanted to see us (I know, we are so popular!). We played a game called Telestrations which I HIGHLY recommend to any group over the size of 6. It is a mix between pictionary and telephone. SO FUN. We also played catch phrase which is always a good time. We played boys vs girls and let me tell you...the boys had a really hard time staying calm. We spent most of the time laughing at them and their insane behavior. Poor Celeste (the fiance) got hit in the face 4 times by her man because he was flailing his arms around like a mad man. She eventually made him move to the other end of the couch! We had so much fun and are so excited for them to get married next month! That night we went back to my mom's and spent the night.

Sunday: we took the kids to church and then took a nap. Spencer's cousin Logan got his mission call Friday morning and they planned for him to open it Sunday night at 7:30. After I woke up from my nap, I went out to get an ice cream sandwich (from Friday) and came to the knowledge that the children had decided they were just there to eat whenever they wanted. I didn't even get one. That's when we left. I figured they would be better off without my raging hormones any longer. We went to the Hon's and stayed there until the mission call opening. We are so proud of Logan and his choice to serve a mission! He has been called to serve in Ecuador speaking Spanish! That night, Hunter and Hayden came home with us to spend the night and spend Memorial Day with us (since Spencer didn't have to work). They turned on a movie but I was pooped so I went to bed.

Monday: We got up and ate cinnamon rolls (because my husband rocks) and played Just Dance! For your entertainment, follow this link. Good times :). We went swimming and then had lunch. It was a super fun day with the boys and Spencer was so excited to spend some quality time with them. We had a family graduation party last night so we took the boys over to Grandma's and started yet another night of festivities. We had some really yummy pulled pork and other delicious food. I ate. A lot. I also learned something new: If you eat a lot, it makes your back hurt. I got so full, apparently, that my body couldn't even handle it. I felt so awful! I just sat on the couch and tried not to move! It really was a fun night with family though and then I fell asleep on the couch while we were watching the video of Hunter's life in pictures. Apparently I slept through opening presents, the guys watching a Diamond Backs game, and kids running and screaming everywhere. I'm telling you, this week wore me out! We had to stop by my mom's house to get my wedding ring (oh yeah...we almost lost my wedding ring on Sunday. It fell out of Spencer's pocket as we were getting in the car to leave my mom's house. Luckily I remembered that I didn't have it and we were able to send a child on a search mission. We found it :) ). I fell asleep when we got home and didn't wake up until morning.

Hopefully this week will be a little bit more calm, but let's face probably won't! Good thing I have my amazing husband to take care of me and time during the day to nap. I thank my Heavenly Father for those two things every day :).

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sometimes Everything Hurts

I'm going to try and not make this a negative post, but it's true! Sometimes, everything in your whole body hurts! Being pregnant takes a HUGE toll on your body and sometimes your body just has to have a day or two where it screams and yells and throws a temper tantrum before it settles back down and decides that it can finish what it started. Sunday was that day for me. Saturday night I fell asleep at 8 pm. That's right folks, I am officially one of those people. I never thought I would be back to my childhood bedtime but let's face it....I need my sleep! (this is where you can think to yourself "just wait!" or "enjoy it while you can!"....I understand). I slept until 8 am which is a huge deal because ever since we moved into the new house, I have not been able to sleep past about 7:15. I felt sort of sick that morning, just couldn't get going all the way. During church is when it got really bad and I started feeling it...everywhere. My back, my belly, and everywhere in between. Leaving church I just wanted to go home and take a nap. (Also a lame pregnancy side are tired at like 2:00 in the afternoon and need sleep!) When we got home, we ate lunch and Spencer found out that his home teaching companion just got out of the hospital so he needed a temporary one...ME! I was actually excited to go with him. We walked over (they live in our complex) and were there for over an hour. The couple we talked to is really nice and I'm excited to have made a new friend. They have one little boy and are barely older than us. That took up my nap time. When we got home, it was time to leave for Spencer's parent's house for dinner and Seminary Graduation for his little brother. I was so tired and hurting that I just laid on the ground for a while. When I tried to get up, I was in so much pain I just had to sit there for a minute and wait for everything to readjust so I could move. We got to dinner and ate really quickly so we could leave. Seminary graduation, while wonderful, might need to stop happening. It took over an hour and a half and there were not even desserts afterwards. I sat there pretty much dying the entire time trying to find a comfortable way to sit to relieve my aches and pains. When it was finally over, we went home and I fell asleep. It was a really rough day and all day I just kept thinking to myself, 'I know she is worth it, but right now it really doesn't feel like it!'. I know. I'm a terrible mother to be. But there are some things that people don't tell you about having a baby! I was not expecting to be in pain so much. I mean I guess I sort of did, but I have been really lucky so far to not have that problem so now that it's happening I am not very tolerant. I'm trying to be. Luckily for me I have my sweet husband who will rub my back or my feet, help me up when I'm hurting, and make sure that I am as comfortable as I can be. I am so grateful for him and all of his sacrifices. He is SERIOUSLY the best.

Monday was better. I woke up in not so much pain and was able to go watch my cousins for the day without any serious pain. Hopefully it stays that way! After such a rough day, it's hard to want to stay pregnant, especially when you don't know how long the pain is going to last...then I figured something out. I DO want to stay pregnant. I want this baby more than anything else in the world. I scrapbooked her ultrasound pictures yesterday and by the end of the day, I was filled with so much love for her that I couldn't even be mad about how badly my body hurt the day before. SHE was all that mattered. SHE is what is making this all worth while. SHE is worth every ache and pain my body can throw at me, and SHE is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love my sweet baby girl and I really can't wait to meet her!

I know...she already has too many clothes!

And tons of bows!
Looking at all of this baby stuff around her room and around our house, I get really really really excited!
Also, I finally took pictures that go with this post!

My grandma and I painted those canvas on the wall! Don't they match  amazingly well??? We did good!

Finally got my living room put together the way I like it :) And it only took 3 months!

My fork and spoon I got on sale! I really like them

OUR VERY OWN WASHER AND DRYER. They are being used as I type! :)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Big changes :)

Actually, these changes aren't that big, but to me they feel HUGE!! I am so excited for them!

I am seriously so excited. The last week of his school was really hard for me. Call me a wimp but I need my husband time and that week, I got absolutely none. I have hated one of his classes from the get go. It is an online physics class and his teacher was a little wacky. The worst part though is that his teacher made everything due on Sundays and half the time wouldn't put up everything they needed to complete the work until Saturday morning!! How unfair is that?! So for the last 15 weeks every Sunday has been filled with Spencer sitting doing homework the entire day while I sit and try to keep myself busy. I hated it so much! I do a lot better if he is actually away at school because then I know he is gone and will be back! When he is at home doing homework, I never know how long it is going to take, and I can't talk to him. He is sitting there right next to me and I have to try to pretend he isn't there. It was AWFUL. At the same time, it was nice to have him home. So I am very glad that the semester is over. I have at least a couple of weeks before he starts another semester (summer school.....yippee...) and we have gotten to spend a lot more time together. During that week of studying for finals I got really emotional and lonely. I would try to leave or do something with my Grandma so I wasn't just sitting there every  night being sad, but it was really really hard. By the end of the week, I was so just done that I broke down. Poor Spencer didn't even know why, he just came home and I was crying and then I cried myself to sleep. Poor guy. But now it's done and over :).

-Mother's Day was so much fun!
I have the sweetest husband in the world. I honestly do. Mother's Day morning I woke up to chocolate chip waffles and chocolate milk. He even made them all cute and had a bowl of powdered sugar and a scoop of butter on the plate. It was so cute :). The funniest part about this morning is that the night before I had talked about making cupcakes for our class as a reward for doing the little thing I sent home with them. I thought as I rolled over one time that Spencer was out there making the cupcakes. I started thinking about it and this was my thought process...
" he making the cupcakes?...."
"...he's probably going to make the mini cupcakes since that is all he has ever seen me make...."
"...I was going to make big cupcakes...."
"...oh well, I guess I should be grateful that he is making them for me..."
" many mini cupcakes do I give each girl?..."
And this is when I feel back asleep! It was a wonderful surprise to wake up to breakfast instead (I totally wasn't expecting it!) and still got to make the big cupcakes for the class!
I got a chocolate bar at church for being a mother (any girl over he age of 18) and I got chocolate covered strawberries at family dinner because I am a mother (for real this time). I also got to spend time with both of my amazing mothers and we Skyped Spencer's brother Preston who is on a mission in Mexico and coming home next month! Crazy!

-Washer and Dryer!
That's right folks, you heard it here first!! We finally have a washer and dryer! Well, we will in about an hour! My dad is picking them up and installing them this morning! This is one of the most amazing changes that we are experiencing. Since we have been married (14 months) we have not had a washer and dryer. We usually take our laundry over to Grandma's house and spend and entire day/night over there using hers. We love going over there and spending time with her, but since I have been getting a bigger belly and having to usually load up, wash, and reload up the laundry to haul it from here to there, it has been getting really difficult. We have had two different occasions where we thought we were getting them and it hasn't gone through so I was beginning to think it was never actually going to happen. Then, just Thursday I believe, my mom tags me in a post on Higley Friends alerting me of a woman selling hers for $400. I told her YES YES YES. We will take them. The lady responded and told me that she had a friend respond on her personal page first so she would get back to me by the end of the day if that was going to work. Well, I was pretty sure it wasn't going to work so I got all bummed again. I commented again that night just to see and she said they were MINE!! Such a happy day! I can't wait to wash our first load of laundry in our own apartment. I think having them will make this place seem even more like a home than it already does!!!

-New Decorations
Grandma and I took on a project a couple of weeks ago, and it turned out awesome! In my living room I have this really big brown wall. There is NOTHING on it. It looked really boring. I had been trying to figure out what to put there since we moved in and just haven't been able to find anything! Grandma came up with the idea that we should paint canvas to match the living room and hang them up on the wall. After lots of changing our ideas, two FULL days of working on them, and the moment when we had to make the first official mark of paint, we ended up with the coolest decorations in my whole house. It totally brought the whole room together and I absolutely LOVE them!!!! I also found the perfect fork and spoon pictures for my kitchen wall that I had been wanting and also ON SALE. Doesn't get much better than that. (pictures coming soon!)

-Baby Girl Hon
The other person that has been making a lot of changes is our sweet baby girl! She is getting so big and so forceful in my tummy. She is causing some aches and pains but mainly we just love her to bits! I am finally in my third trimester and start going to the doctor every two weeks now. I have had two ultrasounds in the past two weeks, one at a college that a friend of mine did, and another at my actual doctor's office for a growth ultrasound. I have loved looking at this little girl so much lately. It's fun to actually be able to see what she is doing in there! At my ultrasound on Thursday we got lots of good pictures and I learned that she weighs 2 lb 9 oz. In just about 6 oz and about another inch, she will be as big as my baby cousin Ezra was when he was born. That's crazy!!! I love her so much though and I am really just ready, especially after getting a 3D shot of her face, to hold her and love her and take care of her.

Baby girl's Nose and lips :)

The little white fuzzy stuff on the left of her head is hair :) Already sprouting! No wonder I have had such terrible heartburn!

The left of the picture is her head, the right thing is her foot and toes. She is curled up in a tiny little ball!

Baby's foot. Look how cute and tiny it is!
Our life has tons of fun changes happening right now. Even if they seem small or insignificant, it is making me really really excited! I love my life right now and I could not ask for better support, more loving family, a better husband, or anything else. I am happy and waiting to see what else is just around the corner!