Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Bowling/ Girl's day!

I don't see my sister very often. Ever since she got married she hasn't been around much. I guess she is too cool for us now ;). Well, she had a day off for the first time in who knows how long, so her, me, and my mom decided to have a girl's day and go bowling with our pogo passes! (seriously...those things come in handy!)

We had so much fun. It's the third time I have gone since we got our passes and I got my best score yet...106...don't judge me! haha We got to bowl on the side that had the couches so Brynlee could climb around and she could stand up at the little table which made it much more enjoyable. I love my family, but especially my mom and my sister. I'm glad I got to spend some time with them being silly, laughing, and getting away from life. Whitley and I went shopping at Ross afterwards and tried on a billion shirts for her new job she starts on Thursday! It was nice spending time with just the two of us...I honestly can't remember the last time we did that. Anyways, here is the documentation of that day :)

Another Missionary

I say another, but in our family...he is the first!! My brother got his mission call! It's so weird. He is still like...14....or younger...

I am so proud of him. I don't see him often because he is always out with friends or working or doing who knows what teenagers do these days ;), but I am still so proud of him. I know he is going to be a great missionary. He has such a soft heart and is easy to love. He will touch the lives of so many. Oh yeah I forgot to mention where he is going....

Basically the coolest mission call ever. He leaves on June 4th which is so soon but I think he is ready to move on to the next phase of life!  

Way to go baby brother. Way to be :)

Babies in Big Girl Clothes

Spencer always says that Brynlee dresses like me. He says she always looks like a little "big girl". Well, to add to her wardrobe, a girl who borrowed something from me made her this skirt as a thank you! I was dying. Seriously so cute. She had a hard time keeping it down, but all in all....cutest little thing...

She even acts like a little model...boy am I going to have my hands full.... :)

Easter Egg FHE

We have made some new friends in our ward who actually live right across the sidewalk from us! Their names are Capri and Tyson. They are awesome! Spencer and I both like both of them which is a plus too! Well, we were going to paint eggs the Wednesday before Easter and I decided it would be more fun having them over to do it with us so they came over around 7:30 and we painted eggs and played Apples to Apples! Brynlee would not go to sleep, so she was awake until after 10 which was not so fun, but it wasn't that big of a deal. I'm so glad we have made friends :)

Easter 2014: Her First One!

This year Easter was much more fun since Brynlee was here! Saturday morning we had Easter Breakfast with the Smiths. We had waffles with Strawberries and bacon! MMMMmmmm. There was an egg hunt for the kids and then they had to irrigate so all of the kids played in it for over an hour! Brynlee was so good! She got to play with her cousin Lucy who she doesn't see very often and see all of the family too!

We had the family party at the Hon's at night! We had yummy sandwiches and they did another egg hunt (Brynlee is still too little to be out in the yard so she didn't do eggs this year). They did a cute "12 eggs of Easter" Family home evening, telling the story of Christ's resurrection.

I went grocery shopping while Spencer played ball with the boys. What he didn't know is that I was getting the rest of his stuff for his Easter basket that I had been planning all week! That's right folks...I KEPT A SECRET!!

Sunday morning I got up fairly early with Brynlee and we went out to the car and put the baskets together. I decided from now on that the gifts from the Easter bunny are going to be Ties for the boys and dresses for the girls! (plus some candy) Anyways, Spencer was really excited about his basket and Brynlee loved the ball she got and she loved playing with the eggs I put in her basket! So fun.

I am so grateful for the time of year to celebrate the life of our Savior! It's a great excuse to share a little love and to really think about your life and the things that God has done for you, including sending His son to Earth to atone for our sins! I am so grateful for that atonement and I know that #becauseofhim I can be with my family forever and be forgiven of my sins :). I know He lives!!!!!!


I'm doing it! I'm doing a play! Finally. I have missed it. My mom talked me into it. It's kinda far away and I have to bring my baby to rehearsals, but Brooklyn has volunteered to come watch her when I have rehearsals. At first I really wanted to get a real part. I got called back and had a lot of fun, but I was pretty sure I knew I wasn't getting a part. I got cast as ensemble which I'm fine with...as long as it's a show where ensemble actually gets to be on stage (unlike Oliver!). At the first dance rehearsal, my mom (The awesome choregrapher) also let me be a part of the "featured dancers" which are actually the teenagers. Oh well, guess I look young ;)!

I am in tons of numbers and I seriously am having so much fun! I think it's going to be really good for me to be out doing something I love and moving around.

The play is Annie Get Your Gun! More details about the show to come! :)

I posted this picture in another post, but just to reiterate how much fun Brynlee has at these things...

My first shot at Photography

My friend had her baby about a month ago and when I wen to visit her, she told me that she was looking for someone to take her newborn pictures that wasn't going to break the bank. I had signed up for this free online class on newborn posing and have always liked taking pictures so I told her I would do them for free! Of course she took me up on it :). I borrowed my MIL's camera and packed up everything I could find in my house that looked like it could be used as a prop. I went over and it took about 3 hours and her baby didn't start cooperating too well until the last half hour or so, but she wasn't naked anymore at that point so I was sort of sad. Anyways. Here is what we ended up with!

Baby Izzy

Bow Party/Tutorials

I have now been to 2 different Bow parties, and let's just say Brynlee has a lot of headbands. I went to one a while back where we each brought enough stuff to make 10 of one kind of bow (that's how many people were there) and then we swapped at the end. The second time, I decided I wanted to learn how to make different kinds of bows! So I did a ton of research, found tons of tutorials, and tried out some of my favorites! I'm going to post the links here for my future use as well as for any of you crafty ladies that would like to try making them for yourself! I also really love doing it so if anybody wants to pay me to make some for them, I would be more than happy! Ok, here it goes!

This is one of the websites that I found! A couple of my favorite bows from there are this felt bow and these cute fabric flowers.

This website has tutorials for different kinds of fabric flowers that are so cute!

This is another website I found with tons of cute ideas! My favorites are these ones! Tutorials on the website. Most of them are self explanitory but this website isn't the best one for directions...more for ideas.

26 Iteresting DIY Ideas How To Make Bows26 Iteresting DIY Ideas How To Make Bows26 Iteresting DIY Ideas How To Make Bows26 Iteresting DIY Ideas How To Make Bows

I love this felt flower!
Amazing Felt Flowers

And if you want some ideas for headbands for you or you can just make them smaller for your kids here are 25 headband tutorials for you to check out!

Hope you had as much fun as I did making these! I have not made all of them, but most of them seem fairly simple and the ones I have tried turned out so cute!