Friday, April 25, 2014

Holy Pregnancy!

Nope! Not pregnant! But I have officially not been pregnant as long as I was pregnant! I can't believe how fast it has flown. While pregnancy went fairly quickly (who am I took forever), the past 9 months are a blur of happy, sad, frustrated, and any other emotion you can possibly imagine. It has also been 9 of the happiest months of my whole life. Being Brynlee's mom is pretty much the best thing in the world. I love her. Oh yeah, that's the purpose of this post!


I have been a slacker this month in the blogging department, but I figure if I blog once maybe twice a month, I will have enough to remember important things!

The month in review:
Weight: 16.8 lbs...I know...Fatty!
Playing with balls
 eating anything and EVERYTHING
 listening to music
 taking everything out of the diaper bag
 sitting on mom's lap
going to Grandma's house
 playing with phones (on or off)
 sticking out her tongue
 taking baths and showers with Dad
 being naked
 talking and exploring
being told no
 having things taken away from her
 getting her nose wiped (she has had a snotty nose for about a week and a half now so this is becoming a regular occurrence)
 too many people touching and messing with her
 for some reason she has a hard time with her Uncle Nick (we are working on it!)
 being overly tired.
Bedtime: 8 pm! We moved it up about 3 days ago and it is wonderful!
Naps: 2 a day! (sometimes three if they are short)
Milestones: pulling herself up on the furniture, waving hi and bye (so cute!), babbling like crazy!
Teeth: 2 bottom teeth! (Brynlee has now cut two teeth! I also thought that she was cutting her top teeth because of a week long reign of terror, but they are still unaccounted for so...yeah, waiting on that)

She is getting so fun. Seriously. Like, actually fun to play with. I have been waiting for these days!

She loves snuggle time with Daddy!

Brynlee has learned to stand up. Grammy thought it would be fun to teach her how one day at her house, and that night...I came home to this.....

Once this happened, I got her a toy to stand up with off of a facebook group! She LOVES it and would stand there for about 30 minutes and just play play play!

She has also become quite the litter helper with laundry! If anybody has a hard time keeping laundry on the floor and not in baskets, this is your girl!

Bath time has also become really fun! Sorta...she will never stay sitting down, but she is having more fun than ever! Lately though, she hasn't been taking baths. I get up and get Brynlee in the morning, make her a bottle, and bring her into our bed. Then Spencer gets up, takes Brynlee in the shower with him. Then I get her out, get her dressed, and we start our day! It's an awesome system, but I kinda miss seeing this girl's little naked bum :)

Brynlee has started eating pretty much nothing but table food. She eats anything we eat. I try to give her some healthy stuff at every meal, and sometimes substitute what we are having for like potatoes and green beans, or beans and pears, but she is such a pro eater now! She loves firehouse because she gets yummy turkey and cheese. After this time out to lunch, I bought some lunch meat and that is pretty much one of her favorite lunches! She gobbles it right up!

She has started finding her way around the house. For a while, she would only stay in the room she was put in and just crawl around in circles. Now, she is EVERYWHERE and always under my feet. It is a miracle I haven't stepped on fingers yet!

We got a double stroller. I am trying to find someone to let me watch their kid during the week and decided it would be a good idea to have one around when that happens. Plus I will have more kids and it was a STEAL!! I got it for $50. They retail at over $150!!! Yay for facebook groups :)

We go to the track meets sometimes and Grandma Green has this awesome tent that she brings for the little princess. She is so good in it and it keeps us out of direct sunlight. It makes track meets MUCH more enjoyable!

We had Bo and Katy spend the night. One Sunday night as we are walking out the door he says, "What are you doing Friday night?" I said, "I don't know, why?" and he replies, "I was thinking me and Katy could spend the night". I like that they want to, so I found a way! They came over and they were really good. They saw one of Spencer's old dolls from when he was a kid and asked what it was. I told them it was lambchop. They thought I was kidding. I showed them a video of it on youtube and they sat intently watching the whole thing! I didn't know it was so funny! Ah, the good old days.

They also played some games on the Wii, keeping Brynlee company! She was a little sad that she didn't get some, though.
General Conference was the first week in April and I loved it!!! I love watching it with our little family, even though I was the only one who actually watched the whole thing! Brynlee just played and was so cute. I am obsessed with her little feet, especially when she is kneeling like this! I also tried out my new nail polish I got for Christmas. It was pretty messy, but a fun change!

After Conference, we went to the Hons for some dinner and family time. We took Brynlee out on a ride on the big bike and she loved it!! Her hair blowing in the wind is my favorite! (Speaking of which...that's growing like crazy! She will have a ponytail in no time!)


Brynlee's smile with teeth is the cutest thing ever. I have had a hard time getting a good picture of them, but since they came in, her smile has changed to this super goofy grin! I love it so much!!!

Brynlee's obsession with mirrors has not gone away! We went shopping with Grandma Green and she had a ball playing in the dressing room! She also made this face for a while after her teeth came it. It was SO. FUNNY.

We went to a soccer game Dad was reffing and hung out for a while! She is a soccer fan in training and Daddy's favorite cheerleader!

Grandpa Hon is fun! Brynlee thinks he's so funny and he always makes silly faces at her!

She is getting really good at throwing fits. I decided I should probably get a couple of pictures of those so that I remember how cute they were and why she will probably be a little B.R.A.T. when she grows up because I couldn't say no to that face!

Grandma and Brynlee are becoming Best friends! They get to spend lots of time together and she is one of the people that Brynlee will let hold for long periods of time. So glad Brynlee has her in her life! The one is blurry but you can see they are both having fun ;)

I started Rehearsals for Annie Get Your Gun (post about that to come) and Brynlee gets to come with me. Doesn't she look so excited about that?!

Brynlee has loved watching Dad play the guitar. She gets a huge smile on her face every time he starts playing.


Brynlee and her cousin Lucy have gotten to play a couple of times but this is the best picture I have...they are a squirmy couple of girls! 

I will do a whole post about Easter, but here is one picture of Brynlee's first Easter!

One day, at Grandma's house, Brynlee and Grandma were making cookies! I was wondering what was keeping her so quiet until I looked over and saw that Grandma had provided a never ending stream of coconut and rice krispies. And then of course she gave her the spoon to lick...she was SO. HAPPY. She probably sat there for over 3 minutes never budging. She was also very sticky and she got a second bath that day! But she was all sugared up for the rest of the day :) She started carefully picking pieces off of the spoon, then just decided to suck strait from the spoon, then went strait for the BOWL! She was shoving handfuls in her mouth and never thought twice!


Today we went on a walk because it was so beautiful out and Brynlee was having a grand old time with Dad

I can't wait to see what happens this month! She is already pulling herself up on LITERALLY anything she can get her hands on, she is walking along the furniture, and finally crawling like a normal person!

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