Saturday, December 7, 2013

The temple

I love the temple. Spencer and I used to be so diligent about going once a week for a long time and then life got crazy,  I got pregnant, and we fell out of that habit. I always love the spirit that I feel there. Everyone is so kind and everyone is beautiful.

Yesterday I was having a rough emotional day. I'm positive if I go back to a post last year, about this same time it says almost the same thing. Finals time is the worst and add to it that Spencer always gets sick this time of year makes tensions high and time together short. I didn't know what to do to make it better because there was just too much going on in our lives to do things. A friend of mine made a comment that you just need to keep doing the little things,  which includes going to the temple. I got my mother in law to babysit Brynlee and told Spencer we are going to the temple. He had homework but I knew it was important.

We dropped Brynlee off and headed to our favorite temple night dinner...Lenny's!! So good. (Stapley just north of the 60. You will thank me later) We just did a quick drive through run and headed to the temple. We got to do sealings and it was beautiful. We get to seal families together forever who didn't have the chance to when they were alive.

We were told a story about a woman who was driving her kids to school and they told her to pull over next to the temple. They told her that they saw a bunch of people dressed in all white on top of the temple; women on one side,  men on the other. They told their mother that one man and one woman would come up,  kiss,  and go into heaven together. How amazing! These little children who had never been in the temple before knew what was going on in there and were able to see these sweet Angels being sealed.

I am so glad that I get to give that gift. I get to help a couple stay together for eternity. I like to think that when ( and if haha) I get to heaven,  the people that I helped will come up to me, hug me, and tell me thank you. That they will tell me how happy they are to be together forever and to be with their children too.  It's amazing.

While I was sitting in the temple, I looked over at Spencer and realized that I have him forever. This time in our lives might not be the easiest and I might feel lonely sometimes, but I have the rest of forever to be with him and to be in love with him. He loves me like crazy even if sometimes it's hard for me to see. I am so grateful for the blessing of the temple and the peace it gives in time of need. I am grateful to have a husband who was worthy and still is worthy to take me to the temple. I'm grateful for family that is willing to watch our sweet baby girl while we go to serve in the temple. I'm grateful for the love of my Heavenly Father and my savior Jesus Christ.

If you are reading this and are not a member of my faith, (or of my faith... everyone should go!) I encourage you to go to the open house for the Gilbert, AZ temple. Starting December 30, you can get your tickets on

They are totally free and they will allow you to walk through the temple and see inside. You will see the beauty that is the temple and feel the spirit of peace while you are there. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them here :).

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