Monday, December 2, 2013

Black Thursday Night/Friday

Our Black Friday was actually mainly on Friday this year! We decided we didn't want to support the stores that opened at 6 pm during dinner so we only went to two stores and didn't even leave the house until after 7:30. I left the Hon's house at about 6:30 and headed out to my mom's to make final plans. I had left my wallet there anyways so we decided to go to Kohl's and Wal Mart out by her. Kohl's was crazy and not at the same time. It was weirdly quiet but PACKED with people. Wal Mart was barely crazy anymore. I mean, there was still a crazy line and we were in it for almost an hour just to check out, but it was normal Black Friday Madness. The next morning was when the fun began. Me, Mom, Grandma, Tracie, Jenny, Whitley, and Melanie (I think that's everyone...) met up for breakfast at Village Inn. Whitley and I went to Target with all of them and then split off because we had some time restraints (work and a baby who needed food!). Whitley and I went to Game Stop and Kohl's. Kohl's was still NUTS!!!!! I can't even believe how long we waited in line for. It was nice though, we haven't had time to chat in a while. I got to hear some of her fun newly wed stories and we got to awkwardly hold everything in line because we couldn't find a cart. I ended up with everything that I wanted to get! We headed home and I dropped Whitley off. I was the first one to get to see their apartment....well kinda. I don't actually know who else has seen it but she told me that people keep yelling at her because she hasn't invited anybody to see it yet so she invited me in. It's cute. it's the perfect size for them.

We were going with the Hons to see Frozen at 2:00, but Brynlee fell asleep at like 1:30 and I was exhausted. I told Spencer to go without me and I stayed home and cleaned up, took a nap, and took care of Brynlee. I'm SO SO SO glad I did that. It was nuts at the movie theater from what I heard.

That night we had some friends over that were in town from Utah. Jackson and Celeste are one of our favorite couples to hang out with (of course, they live far far away). They came over after dinner and we decorated gingerbread houses. We still had two kits from LAST Christmas that have been sitting in our pantry and survived a move...we decided it was probably time to use them! It was so fun.

Afterwards we played some Boom Blocks (funnest wii game ever...get it, play it). We literally played from 9-11:30!! It was so fun. We had so many laughs and some yummy ice cream. I wish they lived here...we would totally hang out with them all the time. Spencer loved having one of his best friends come over and I love watching them together. It doesn't hurt that I get along with his wife either!

That day was crazy. So fun though! Spencer crashed. Like, laid down and was out in less than a minute crashed. Luckily, our Saturday would be a lot more chill!

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