Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving/Turkey Trot

Thanksgiving came and went faster than I could even enjoy it! 

The Wednesday before Thanksgiving we always do our extended family dinner at the Interstake center in Mesa. It's a huge dinner and always lots of fun. Brynlee made it not so fun that day but I'm pretty sure it was because she was still on that other formula. We got to chat with family and just hang out for a while. We couldn't make it a very late night for two reasons:

  • We are parents now. That means that we don't do anything fun or stay out late or we suffer the consequences in the morning.
  • We had the turkey trot really early the next morning so we needed our sleep
The next morning actually went really smoothly. Brynlee woke up earlier than she had in a while which made the schedule for the day almost perfect. We had to be at the turkey trot by like 7:45 so we got Brynlee all Bundled up in the car seat and got dressed.

I was starving and had a free Chic-fil-a breakfast thing so we went there first. Well, apparently Chic-fil-a doesn't care if you are hungry on Thanksgiving...they are closed. Bummer. We got to the park and it was freezing. I don't know whose idea it is to do that every year anyways *cough* MOM *cough*. Anyways. The one mile race started at 8:15 which is the one that Me, Spencer, Brynlee, and Katy were doing. Katy left us in the dust. Spencer can't really run because of his heart and I just absolutely hate running so we used the stroller for what the name implies and strolled. We finished in 20 minutes. (Katy finished in 12...way to go!)

The rest of the morning was really chill and fun. We got to watch everyone come in from their races at the finish line and watch the little ones at the park (they re-did the park so it kept them entertained for a while. Katy eventually got bored and Spencer took her and Brynlee to the other park for a while). We were there until about 11. One of my favorite parts? Some orthodontist company came around and handed out little bags of kettle corn! I WAS STARVING. It was so good.

After everyone was through, we all got up and climbed on the playground equipment.

Dad was telling me that I was in more danger of hurting myself than Bo was and I decided to prove him wrong.

 We headed home, took showers, and got ready for the day. We headed out to my parent's house to hang out for the afternoon. I helped a little bit in the kitchen and we looked through black Friday ads. Spencer went in and started playing the piano so I followed him (Spencer playing the piano is one of my weaknesses). Brynlee was ready for a nap so I took her in with me and she fell asleep listening to Daddy play...aaaaaaand so did I! haha. When I woke up, Spencer was asleep on the couch behind me, Brynlee was asleep next to me, and the entire rest of the family was eating at the table. They didn't even wait for us!! :) Oh well. We were eating at the Hons at 4 so we told them not to wait. I went in and had a whole plate though...what is Thanksgiving without way too much to eat?! Spencer eventually did too and then we headed to our second meal of the day! We hung out with all of the Greers and it was fun like always. The boys played football, we hung out outside watching, and people were inside watching Harry Potter (apparently there was a marathon on). It was a blast. I left early to go black Friday shopping with my mom and Spencer kept Brynlee! I know that doesn't seem like a big deal, but it was the first time that I had really left her with him for a long period of time. I don't know why I was so nervous...he did GREAT!

All in all, it was a fun Thanksgiving day. I am so grateful for my extended family, my in-law family, and my own little family! I am surrounded by so much love and support and I wouldn't trade it for the world!! We are now officially through November and I can start my excitement and uncontrollable joy of the Christmas season!!!

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