Monday, October 14, 2013

Date night: by force!

Spencer and I have not been on a lot of dates since Brynlee was born. We have spent time together but not gone on actual dates. This past weekend I let Spencer have a boys night. Hunter turned 19 yesterday and so we had him and Preston spend the night Friday night in early celebration.

Friday night we went to the Higley vs AJ football game. I got Brynlee all dressed up in her Higley gear and I got dressed in mine and we went to the game.

She wouldn't hold still! But this is the dress that I made her and her new jeggings. She looked SO STINKING CUTE!
This time was much more tolerable than last time because it was cool and there were not a billion bugs. I also didn't take the car seat in so we weren't juggling that the entire time. After the game, the boys came back with us and they spent the night playing video games. Saturday morning I made biscuits and gravy for breakfast, we watched some office, and the video gaming commenced. I left with Brynlee and Grandma to go out and open gifts with Whitley and Nick. The boys left around 4 and about 5:30 Spencer was there to pick me up. We waited on mom because she was bringing us dinner (THANKS MOM!) and then we sat and chatted. My mom was holding Brynlee and told us to go get ice cream or something and she would keep Brynlee. Well, Brynlee had been kind of hard all day; I don't think she was feeling well. I was tired beyond belief and just wanted to go home, but mom wasn't having it. She just kept kicking us out the door. She told us to just go hold hands and make googly eyes at each other. It took her saying, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE for us to finally leave. I am going to be honest, I didn't want to go, but I'm glad we did. We ended up going up to the mountain where we used to read scriptures while we were dating, and just talking. We haven't had a lot of time to just sit and talk in a long time.

Both Spencer and I have had a lot going on lately emotionally, and neither one of us wanted to tell the other person what was going on because we knew the other person was already stressed out and we didn't want to add to their stress. We also have talked about issues a lot lately but never came up with any solutions. That is what we did up there on the mountain. We talked about our struggles, we listened to each other, we cried. we snuggled, and we really got to spend time thinking about us and what we can do to make US even stronger than we already are. It wasn't your typical date night, but in a home with a new baby, it was exactly the kind of date night we needed.

We headed back to my mom's and found Brynlee happy on the floor. This was odd because she should have been hungry an hour before that, so if she was awake, she should have been screaming. Apparently my mom sent my brother over to the neighbor's and got one of those starter bottles and fed her some of that. She was happy! I don't know how often we will get to have nights like that night, but we are both making each other a priority. :) I love my sweet husband.

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