Monday, September 2, 2013

Date Night!

Spencer and I went on a date! Without Brynlee! (I guess that part isn't that exciting...I missed her a TON!)

Friday night Whitley came over and I spent like 20 minutes explaining everything I could think of to her. I'm sure she thinks I'm nuts, but I was so nervous! I met Spencer at Jump Street (I only called Whitley twice on my way there!) and we started jumping. Man! Having a baby is rough on your body. For one thing I was hungry so I kept getting really light headed, I couldn't jump for more than 5 minutes at a time without being soooo tired and needing to sit down, and I really had to pee. I felt really lame. It is not a cheap place to go and I feel like I didn't get my money's worth. It was fun just being with Spencer though. We ended up just sitting at a table and talking about things. We don't have tons of time to just sit and talk anymore. We left before our hour of jumping was up and went to Subway to get dinner. We sat there for a while too and talked and then we decided to go get him a new phone. His had been having issues and he qualified for an upgrade. (I was texting Whitley the whole time at Jumpstreet and called between each activity to make sure the baby girl was ok). We were at the at&t store for a long time but Spencer got his new phone!! I was so happy to get my baby girl back when we got home, but it was really nice to have time just to the two of us. I miss my husband when he is gone every day and night. I hope we can make a habit of these date nights!

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