Thursday, September 12, 2013

Baby Brain: Not the pregnancy kind!

Why do we turn into lunatics when we are around babies?! Sometimes I find myself acting so ridiculous or making the weirdest faces at her. And at this point she is barely starting to react, but I have been doing this since the day she was born. I wonder, sometimes, what goes on in that little, ever developing brain of hers? So...this is some of the things I think she thinks:

"GET OUT OF MY FACE!!!" -I'm sorry baby girl! It's too fun to smooch on ya! I seriously can't keep my lips away from her face. And neither can anybody else. Tatum and Katy are two of the worst! They just love her to death...wonder why?? :)

I'm positive she feels just like this.

"Your breath stinks!"- This one is in accordance with the first one. I feel so bad for her. She gets to smell our delicious morning breath while we are smooching on her. Oh well, she can deal with it!

"Quit jostling me, I'm a human being you know!"-Spencer and I have a tendency to play with Brynlee like she is about 6 months older than she actually is. Sometimes I have to remind Spencer that she is still just a little baby. And I have to remind myself that she can't actually hold her head up yet, I just think she can. I'm sure she gets tired of being passed around while she is trying to sleep, and of having no control over where she is placed or how she is placed there.

"These blinds are crazy!"-We have the kind of blinds that hang vertically over the windows. Brynlee stares at them constantly. And it's funny  because they kind of make her go cross-eyed but she still just stares away! I wonder why she stares at those so much...

"I'm hungry! I'm tired!"-Right now we are in the stage where she eats, she plays for just a little while, and then takes LONG 3 hour naps. Then we repeat the cycle. For a while she was up a lot more during the day and eating more often, but she was much grumpier. When she is awake now, she is SO happy! :)

"I'm trying to smile mom, I just can't work the muscles right yet!"-She has really started smiling a ton. And it's getting really fun to try and figure out what things she likes and what make her happy.I'm constantly saying, "Show me pretty smile. Mommy wants to see your pretty smile. Can you smile for mommy??" She might get sick of that... It's funny to watch her sorta try to figure out what muscles it takes to smile. It takes her a while to get going but once she does, she keeps going for a good minute or two!

"Can you please get this diaper off of me??"-It's so hard with a newborn baby to know when to change their diaper. I change her every time I feed her and if I hear her pooping, but other than that I don't change her. Sometimes though, when I am changing her, I feel so bad! The poop is like stuck to her bum and it's so hard to get off! I have no idea how long it's been sitting there. Did she poop right after I put the new one on? Is this somewhat recent? Or her diaper will be so soggy like she has peed 4 times in it. I wish she could just tell me when she needs to be changed.

"Why do you keep shoving that plastic thing in my mouth?"-She really does a lot better with the binky now, but when she is throwing a fit, I'm POSITIVE this is what she is thinking. "THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANT!" She eventually realizes that it is what she wants but DANG that girl does not cave easily...what I have to look forward to...

"Just let me sleep!"-At church and when we go to either of our houses, there are so many people that want to touch her. Touch her hands, touch her feet, touch her face...I'm sure it's exhausting! Especially when you are trying to sleep! I know I don't like it when Spencer is touching me while I'm trying to sleep! I know he thinks that it feels good to rub my arm first thing in the morning, but no...I want to sleep! I"m sure she does too.

"I'm hot" "I'm cold"-This is one of the ones I'm sure she says and I wish I had a digital thermometer that would show me how comfortable she is temperature wise. I try really hard to make sure she doesn't get too hot and I put blankets on her when we go cold places, but what about while she is sleeping? She can't really just move her leg out of a burrito roll when she gets hot. Or she can't just reach down and grab a blanket if she is cold. Poor girl...

"I don't like this dress, it's uncomfortable"-I don't know how often she feels this way because I dress her in the comfiest clothes that I can. I'm not into all of the fru fru frilly dresses and what not...I like to know that I'm putting her in things that she will be comfortable in. But sometimes her dress gets bunched up under her while she sleeps and I'm sure that's not comfortable. I'm sure it's more often, "I don't want to wear this dress, I want to wear that one" know...little girl stuff.

"Why do you guys think that hippo is so amusing?"-We have a little pink hippo that is just about the only toy we have her play with at this point, and she usually isn't very amused (whether it's her age or she just doesn't like it, I don't know). It's always the toy we put in her face. I'm sure she thinks we are nuts. Maybe I should get a couple different things so she doesn't end up hating that cute little pink hippo rattle.

"Please keep me wrapped up while you lotion's cold in here!"-I do need to be better about that. I want her to like getting lotioned, but she is usually wet and cold and so she screams. Good idea Brynlee, I'll try that next time.

"Your hand is pinching my thigh! Your finger is poking my side!...etc"-I feel like sometimes Brynlee isn't happy while we are holding her because she's probably not comfortable. But how the heck would I know that?? I just try to hold her in ways that I think wouldn't hurt ME.

"Can you itch my nose?"-Really though! I'm sure babies get itchy, so how do they scratch it? Brynlee can't reach her toes! Having an itchy foot is the worst feeling, especially when you CAN'T scratch it...

"MY ARM IS ASLEEP!!"-I think about this sometimes too. Babies sleep in whatever position we put them in. What if sleeping on their side makes their arm go to sleep! Maybe that's why they cry when they wake up...because they can't feel their arm! It's a possibility right?

"I don't need to burp, mom."-Well sorry darlin'! We are burping you until you give me one  :)

SO. What I got out of this blog post? Babies should really talk. This whole trying to figure out what she is thinking all the time is really really hard!! On the other hand, once given the power of speech, they never stop talking. So maybe I will enjoy this quiet time of hers. I also like figuring out what noises mean feels like I'm closer to her when I can tell which cry means I'm mad versus I'm hungry or tired. I just love her to pieces.

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