Tuesday, September 10, 2013

6 Weeks Old

Dear Brynlee,
    Right now you are six weeks old. I am writing you this letter so that you can know, and I won't forget about all of the things going on in our lives right now. For starters, you are starting to get some chub! Your cheeks are getting nice and full and even your chicken thighs are starting to feel a little bit squishy! There is finally something there besides skin and bones!

Look at that thigh!

 You are also becoming very alert. When you are awake, you are AWAKE. You open your pretty blue eyes and you look all around. I guess the world would be pretty interesting to me too if I was seeing most of it for the first time! Now...why the blinds are interesting, or the ceiling...I'm not sure. I bet it's the angels.
    When you were just over a month old, you started sleeping really long blocks of time through the night! We decided that since you could make it through the night without waking up, we would move you to your crib in your very own room. Since then you have slept there every night. You did so good for a while, but now we are struggling. It's taking you a while to get to sleep and then you only sleep for 5 hours rather than 7 or 8 like you were doing before. I know we are lucky that you even sleep 5 hours, but mommy like the 7 hour block of sleep! Let's work on that :). You have also graduated to sleeping on your tummy all day during naps. You LOVE it! You sleep so good on your tummy. You even slept on your tummy for the whole night last night!

 You are my little snuggle bug. Sometimes if you are being wiggly trying to fall asleep, I just go over and put your blanket over you, right up by your face, and you calm right down and fall asleep.
The little binky lines you get around your mouth are so cute :)

Sleeping at church

 I LOVE LOVE LOVE that. You also like to snuggle with me. Sometimes if you are grumpy, I will wrap you up like a burrito and hold you really close to me. You don't fall asleep, you are just happy and look up at me. It's a good thing I like cuddling, because we have lots of it ahead!
   Last week you started really smiling. I mean, it's not professional yet, but you are reacting to us talking to you and you will keep smiling for a while, not just one little one. You get so excited and your arms and legs just start moving all over and sometimes we have even gotten a little laugh out of you! I can't wait until you do get pro at smiling and laughing, you will be so fun!
    You have had two blowouts so far, and on my two favorite outfits! Come on girl, pick one of my not so favorites to poop on!
Right before the blowout at your first Higley football game. GO UNCLE HAYDEN!!

Right after the blowout. As you can see, you were a little bit peeved that I was messing with you. You were also hungry. What a night!

You are still in newborn diapers and they are just barely starting to fit you well. I might switch you up to size one here pretty soon because you keep soaking through these ones! You are starting to feel less fragile, it makes it even more fun to hold you and a lot easier too. You are quite the gassy baby. Sometimes it's so sad because I can tell that your bubbles are hurting your tummy. Daddy and I try our best to help you out, but sometimes it just doesn't work. We have basically become avid users of Gripe water. You love it and it seems to help you calm down when you really don't feel good.

    You do not like the car seat. You do not like when we move your arms to buckle you in OR get you out. You scream in the car like you are being attacked by something, and you stop breathing because you are crying so hard. You are not like most babies who LOVE the car seat. Sometimes, if you are asleep enough, we can get you in without you waking up and crying. Yesterday we did and I took this picture of you watching TV with dad. He likes to watch shows with you, play music for you, and play games with you. He is going to try and get you into video games, but I won't let him, don't worry!

  We have started to try and play with toys with you, but you don't really get them. We have one little hippo toy that we can sometimes get you interested in. You like it when we make it give you kisses. You open your mouth so cute every time it comes and sometimes it even makes you smile! I love watching you sleep. Right now you are sleeping on the bed next to me and I just keep looking over to stare at you. Everywhere we go, someone tells us how cute and tiny you are, even though I think you are getting big! Even a group of teenage boys at the mall were so interested in you! At least it makes me know that I'm not just biased...you really are that cute! Well, I think that's good for now. There will be lots more letters as you grow up. I think it will be fun for you to look at them later in your life and know what a stinkin' cute little girl you are/were. Mommy loves you so much baby girl, so so much.


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