Friday, August 30, 2013


We reached two milestones last night!!
Last night, little Brynlee slept for 8 hours strait! AND she did it in her own crib in her own room!! I was so nervous to move her into her own room. I felt like she was so far away and that something was going to happen to her. I know it's silly, just call me a protective mom! Well, I laid her down about 11:00. I went in and checked on her every couple of minutes to make sure she was falling asleep and in a good position so I wouldn't worry. Once I saw her asleep, I went to bed. I woke up at 3:00 so I could pump (starting to save up breast milk!) and checked on her...still sleeping! I then awoke to her 7!!! I couldn't believe it! She had never slept that long before! The past three nights she had slept just over 7 hours, but 8?? She must love me. I am proud to say that I made it through the night without a full fledged break down and me, Brynlee, and Spencer all got a really good night's sleep!

Speaking of Spencer. Time for an update. Spencer started school this week and it has already been kinda crappy. For one thing, his online math class is a joke. It's so hard. His teachers give insane assignments 3-5 times a week that take at least 3 hours to finish. That is at least 10 hours a week if there are only 3. That is added onto his other two classes and 40 hours of work a week. It's so brutal, I feel so bad for him. Add on top of that that he has been sick twice this week, it just has been rough. I love him so much for what he is doing to support Brynlee and I. I am so glad that I married someone who is willing to work SO hard to make sure that we are taken care of and happy. I know that the next while is going to be long and hard, but we are working through it and I am just really excited for when the school part of this is all over!!!

We also are about to hit another milestone tonight...leaving Brynlee with a babysitter while Spencer and I go on a date. I am so nervous. I get so much anxiety leaving her anywhere. I have done it twice but never for more than an hour and I had just fed her so I knew she would be ok. Tonight, we have a date planned for when I pick Spencer up from work. I don't know when I will have fed Brynlee last, so she might get her first full bottle feeding tonight. I am leaving her with Whitley, who I am positive is going to do an awesome job! I am just so scared!!! :/ Spencer and I need some time without her though. Even when she is sleeping, we don't really get any US time. So tonight, it's all about us. This will also be our first date since Brynlee was born!

Last milestone of the week? Brynlee is getting blessed on Sunday! Grandma made her dress, we are making her some shoes, and she is going to look beautiful! I can't believe how fast things move with a baby!! :)

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