Monday, June 3, 2013

The trouble with schools is...

I am having some serious issues with college. Not my college, as that is temporarily on hold, but my husband's. He has had to be taking only two classes per semester for the past year. This because all of these classes are prerequisites for the others so they have to be taken in order. In all of this time, he has met with counselors, had plans drawn up, blah blah blah. You would think after this much time that something would be at least a little bit set in stone. He went and met with a counselor the week before last and figured out his schedule and what he would need to get into ASU once he finished at CGCC. They figured out what classes he needed to take and we got his schedule all figured out. He had to go in and sign some paper that will help keep his tuition the same for the whole time he is at ASU but he needed a signature from his counselor (the computers were down when he went in the first time). We went in and they wouldn't let him sign it. We communicated with the counselor and he went in to sign the paper the next day. When he got home he told me that he had three extra classes he was required to take before he got into ASU that he hadn't known about before. Since he is going into engineering, he needs to take a chemistry class and two engineering classes. Apparently he didn't tell his counselor that he was switching to engineering (from physics) so he didn't get the correct information.

We had his schedule all worked out perfectly. He would take one class at the school on Tuesdays and Thursdays and then had a math class online. He will now be taking a class at one school on Mondays and Wednesdays, another class on Tuesdays and Thursdays at a different school, and an online class at home. Did I mention that we will have a one month old baby when he starts this schedule?? I pretty much am going to be hanging out at home, without a car, every day and night during the week. And then I will have a car, but still no husband while he works on his online class. And this does not include any homework time that he will most likely need. OY!

I guess it did work out nicely that school starts in September so that we will have some time to get settled with the little one before this all has to start. And I guess that it's good we found this out now rather than in a semester when he would have had to cram even more classes in to get finished in time. All I know is, I am not looking forward to those five months. I have had my weekend to cry and feel sorry for myself and now I am trying to look on the bright side. Oh. Did I also mention that next semester he will be taking FOUR classes?? And working full time?? This is not how I pictured having a newborn baby but I know that he is only doing all of this craziness so that he can provide for our family and get done with school quickly. I know that. But it's not what I had anticipated or wanted. I kinda like my husband...I kinda like having him around. I am going to have to put on my big girl panties and work really hard to make sure that we get through this without any major damage. :)

This weekend might not have been the funnest one of my life, but I am actually pretty proud of how I handled it. Saturday night was when we found out and I only just slightly cried for like a minute. Sunday was my day that I decided was just my day to cry and to be sad and now today, I feel much better about it and I know that we can do it. Spencer and I talked and he has assured me that he's not dying. He's not going to abandon me, and he is going to make it as easy for me as he can. I also made him promise to still make time to take me and baby girl on dates. :) Hearing him say all of these things, even though I already knew they were true, really helped me to come to terms that I can do this and that I am capable of everything that's coming. I love that man. I don't know what I would do without him and I am so grateful for the sacrifices he is making to make my life better and to take care of me. I know it's not easy on him and he doesn't like to see me sad. I know that he wants to spend time at home and I just keep telling him, "Just finish school. Life will be so much better once you do." We are strong. We can do this. We are in this together and are going to make it work.

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