Thursday, June 20, 2013

The life of a stay at home pregnant woman

I don't do well alone. I get so bored. I am one of those people that just really likes to DO things. Get me out of the house, walking around, swimming, at the movies, shopping, even just communicating with people. This is who I have turned into! But do I have the ability to do so? Nope! I am stuck at home with no car and nowhere to go. It's really unfortunate because when I can't get out, I feel even more trapped!!! So as you can see, this situation is pretty much lose-lose.

I have found a few things that can take my mind off of being lonely and bored though:

-Talking on the phone. I love talking on the phone. Especially to my friends that live out of state and to my mom and grandma.
-Doing puzzles. I used to do them a TON with my grandma. Now it has worn off a little bit and I think that is because we did so many for so long. We needed a little break.
-I love reading blogs. Too bad all of my friends that blog have decided that they don't want to ever blog anymore so that outlet is slowly depleting.
-Going to the movies. I go to the summer movies with my family. They are silly little kids movies but it gets me out of the house and I get popcorn so that's a HUGE bonus. I like going to big kid movies too though; Now you see me is one that I definitely recommend.
-Playing games on my phone. I have this game called Loops and I could seriously play it for hours. It's one of those games where the game only lasts 60 seconds so it's really easy to say, "Just one more game" but then next thing you know it's been an hour! Oy!
-NAPS. I find myself rather tired these days. Naps usually will kill my entire afternoon if I have nothing going on. The problem is that my naps are always about 2 hours and by the time I wake up I am more tired than when I laid down and stay tired for the rest of the day. Riddle me that! I still take them though.
-I REALLY REALLY REALLY like swimming. It makes me feel like I am not even pregnant and when my back is hurting it relieves all pain. I LOVE it. The only problem weird is it to just go to the pool and swim around by yourself? I don't really like swimming around, I just like to sit there in the water. I am definitely not taking a book into the water, and I can't really use my phone....So I just don't go swimming unless I have a friend come over or Spencer and I will go at night.
-I go over to my aunt's house a lot and help with her twins :). They are 6 months old now and I am just seriously in LOVE with them! They are getting a little big for me to be holding them for a long time or carrying them around all over but I could just sit and snuggle them for all of my life!
Rigdon and Ezra :) I stole these from my aunt! 

6 months old now!
So yeah. My life is a little bit dull but I am trying to find things to do to occupy myself. Only 7 MORE WEEKS until I have a baby to take up some of that time! It seems so close and yet SO far! I am excited to get out of the heat for a couple of days when we go up to Idaho for Spencer's best friend's wedding! WOOOO!! Tomorrow can not come fast enough!

1 comment:

  1. We all get bored, even when we aren't alone all the time. Ü We saw that movie and I did really like it, surprisingly. Can't wait to hear about Idaho!
