Tuesday, February 25, 2014

We've made it 7 months!

I know folks, I'm as surprised as you are!!! Ok not really, we have been doing really well lately! Brynlee is getting so stinking big! Not in actual size, but in the things she can do. She is so good with her hands, she can sit up like a pro, she is pretty much on her way to crawling (I say that because it has been like that for almost 3 weeks now...she just can't figure out how to use her arms!), and she is loving more solid food.

Here are some picture milestones from month 6 :)
Brynlee started riding in the cart at the store! It keeps her so much happier and I love being able to talk to her easier :)

We went on a date to Chuck E Cheese and Brynlee pooped out of that cute outfit. Silly girl, we had so much fun though!

Do you think she likes the stroller??

We have loved going on walks at different parks!
Brynlee usually takes her morning nap in my bed. If she is tired but won't go to sleep, I prop her up like this and turn on either Handy Manny, Clifford, or Strawberry Shortcake. She usually looks like this 10-15 minutes later :)

Brynlee went down the slide!! Well, she kinda got stuck, but she looked cute doing it.

Brynlee's first time eating stage 3 foods. She just loves food so much, it was an easy transition. They are a lot messier, but that messy face kills me every time! She also has loved eating graham crackers!

We started giving Brynlee baths in the regular bath. She has way more fun, and even though it's a little harder to wash her, it makes clean up much less work.

I mean look at that bum....I can't even take it.

Brynlee loves eating avocado...too bad it's SO MESSY!! This was probably the messiest she has ever gotten. She had so much fun though so I think I'll let it slide!

She always finds herself in the weirdest places. Lately it has been stuck under the couch or climbing under the bed skirt and trying to eat it....silly girl!

I have come up with this awesome invention called box of random things. I have that pink box, I put random things in it, and it keeps Brynlee entertained for so long! Once she takes them all out and starts fussing, I just put them all back in and it's like she has never seen any of it before! I love that little chubba wubba!!

We are happy as can be! She is sleeping good, eating good, playing good, and we are excited for her to finally learn how to crawl!! She is so stinking close, it's so frustrating for both of us. For her, she just can't move. As soon as she started trying to crawl, she gave up rolling all together, so if she gets tired or frustrated, she just sits there and cries (hence the frustrating for me).

We are excited for Easter because Grammy bought Brynlee the prettiest Easter dress!!

We are excited for the temple dedication on Sunday!!

We are excited that Brynlee is still not teething! I am hoping that she gets a little older before she starts that...I'm thinking it will make it easier since she will be a little bit more able to tell me what's wrong...? Maybe I'm nuts?

We are excited that our little girl has some hair! She went from bald at Christmas to almost as much hair as she had when she was born!

We are excited that we are all still alive, with all of our limbs, and pretty darn happy!
Here is to 7 months of joy, and a billion more months of a billion more emotions!

We love you Brynlee Lynn! <3

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