Tuesday, February 25, 2014


I know what you are thinking, no. My baby is not teething. Who is? ME!! I know. Weird right?? I am growing my wisdom (tooth, that is). It has been a long process. Like a month long process. It hurts for a few days and then is good for a couple of weeks. Then, because it must not be growing in strait, it starts to hurt again for a few days. And when I say hurt, I mean....OOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWCHY MOMMAAAAAAA!! I know that sounds dramatic but I'm not kidding. Luckily I only have one growing in so it's not multiplied by 4, but I'm kind of confused.

How come when we are growing in our baby teeth, it hurts so bad ( I now understand the pain that Brynlee will be feeling and have figured out the best tips to make it stop...Ibuprofent) and then when we are growing in our big teeth it doesn't hurt at all, but growing in wisdom teeth is like the worst thing ever. What changes??

Anyways. I'm in a lot of pain. Spencer says that I wake up multiple times in the night yelling "Ow, ow, ow, ow!!" and then go back to sleep. Every time I move my jaw it feels like there is a knife being stabbed into my poor little gums. I couple of nights I have woken up and needed to take medicine to keep me from waking up in pain.

I think it is all the way through now...it barely bothered me at all today!! Hoping that it doesn't get worse, but I'm pretty sure I am going to have to get it removed sooner than later. Dang it.

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