Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Mom's need a break

About a month ago I had a serious breakdown. I was so worn out and I just felt like I needed a break from my baby, but I felt bad about wanting a break from my baby because (even though I know this isn't true) I shouldn't want a break from my baby!! She is my baby and I love her! It was a serious struggle in my brain. It eventually turned into me bawling my eyes out. That weekend I had a baby shower to go to so I decided to take Brynlee with me to the shower and then if she behaved herself I would keep her with me for the rest of the day. If not, I was leaving her with Spencer and Grandma and I were going window shopping or something. She ended up being really good and I felt much better by the time I got home.

There was a lot more to this story, I'm sure of it. Luckily (I think), I have blocked it out and only see it as a rough day. It was a lot more emotional than that and I'm sure it will come again, but I am writing this post so that in the future I can look back and see that...


It took a while for me to figure that out, and I'm still having a hard time, but I am so grateful for the support from my mom and grandma, from my sweet husband, and from my Father in Heaven who puts people in the right place at the right time to help them through a trial. Having kids a kid is hard. It just is. And some days, it's ok to feel overwhelmed, that just means you need some "me" time...now to find out exactly what that means...

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