Saturday, February 8, 2014

Things to Think about

My brain thinks of a lot of weird things. It keeps me entertained though! Here are some of the things I have been thinking about lately:

-Who in the world decided on the UNIVERSAL card size (like credit cards, gift cards, loyalty cards, etc.)
Was it the card company? Was it the wallet companies? And why did they make them that size? Weird.

-I wonder what my sweet little Brynlee is going to have be the "cool things" when she is growing up. Will the "norm" be to wear makeup at 8 years old? Will there be some other nonsense thing that when I was a kid would be unheard of? What will society be in the next 20 years that my daughter and future children are going to have to deal with.

-How do they make KRAFT macaroni so DANG good??

-Am I really getting that old? The other day my Grandma and I were looking for nail stickers. You know, it's just a little pad of stickers that you stick on after your nail polish. Well, they are NOWHERE! We looked at Wal Mart and the dollar store and couldn't even see anything like them. I feel like those are a pretty normal thing but good golly, was that something from back in my day that they don't do anymore?

-What are diapers made of that makes them so expensive?? Gold? DIAMONDS?!

-How do places like Chuck-E-Cheese trick us into paying so much money for tokens? They make it sound so cheap, 22c per token if you buy 150! (we got those for free but just pretend that we bought them) What we ended up with was 600 tickets! That's more than I have ever gotten at a place like that. What we came home with: a little plastic tiara, a pair of too big plastic glasses, a hopper frog thing, a little mini rubber duck, and a pack of fun dip. FOR THIRTY DOLLARS. I know they have to pay to keep the games going, but why don't you just go to the store and spend $30 on actual good quality stuff?? We must be insane.

-Why are baby clothes so expensive? They use sometimes HALF of the fabric and yet, they cost like as much if not more than adult clothes.

-How does the human brain really figure things out? Watching Brynlee figure out how to crawl is so interesting to me. We all learn new things every day, but someone is usually teaching us. How is her body just figuring out that to move she needs to get on her hands and knees? Nobody is showing her or teaching her, she is just figuring it out. It's incredible. And she is learning so fast.

-Why do babies still settle for gross formula once they have had so many other tastes?? It's gross. It smells gross and I'm sure it tastes gross (not going to try it). Brynlee has had juice and every kind of baby food and lots of what we eat, but she still gets so excited when she sees her bottle and guzzles it down. Oh well, to each their own.

-How did facebook just turn 10 when I was looking at people's videos and everyone I know started in 2008? How did it exist for 4 years and nobody really knew about it and then all of a sudden it became this huge thing?? Also, how do you get everyone to join a site like that? Like Google+ tried to be the new facebook but nobody really switched over. How did facebook get everyone in the whole world to switch over from whatever else they were on to start with? The internet is a crazy thing.

Anyways, I'm sure there will be more of these posts. Anybody that reads this have any good "things to think about"?? I always love things that make me think!

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