Tuesday, February 25, 2014


So last year we had a really hard time with our primary class. We teach the 9 year olds (turning 10). Last year we had all girls and it was really rough. They are so chatty and they are just at a hard age where they don't really want to listen and they take some small detail you say and that is all they focus on for the rest of the time. In December we threw a part for the girls because they all memorized their articles of Faith. It was a pretty lame party because only 3 girls showed up and we just decorated cookies and watched Elf but you know, not every party can be awesome! It reminded me of our primary party from the year before with our 6 year olds who we were completely in love with. I never got around to blogging about that so here are some pictures to document! (I got no pictures from this year)

This year has been much better. We have 4 boys and 3 girls and they are so much more behaved than our class last year. It is also easier to teach because we are teaching the old testament so it is more individual stories rather than one long story about the saints moving west (I know it is a very important story, but try filling an hour every Sunday about the facts of the Saints' journey). We are enjoying it much more! We told our class that if they can all do their Articles of Faith this year we will have a pizza party. They are all working really hard!

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