Thursday, January 30, 2014

Brynlee Girl is 6 months old!

I seriously cannot believe how fast time is flying! It has already been
Half A Year
since Brynlee was born.

Brynlee had her Doctor's appointment on Tuesday and these are her stats!:
Weight: 13 lb 6 oz 5th percentile
Length: 24.5 in 5th percentile
Head Circumference: 25th percentile! Guess she has a big head :)
Likes: FOOD. If we are eating, so is she. Sitting up, her binky clip, spitting, being thrown in the air, taking baths, taking naps, water bottles, and ice cream.
Dislikes: Over stimulization, vegetable beef baby food, cold peas, shots, getting stuck, and being alone.
This time has been amazing and terrifying and exhausting and exciting and yucky and adorable all at the same time!! 
I have gone from being my own person to being a provider for 2.
 I have gone from wife to mother. 
I have gone through a lot of things that I could never have dreamed would happen.
 I love someone more than I ever thought would be possible.
 I have fought through pain like I never thought I could. 
I have been patient in times that before Brynlee I would have lost my cool. 
I have cried over silly things that all of a sudden mean more to me because I am a mom. 
I have gone without enough sleep for way too many days in row and still been able to function. 
I can carry more things that three of the old me could carry at once. 
I have learned the art of one armed....everything!
 I have gained muscles in my arms that only being a mom can produce.
 I have willingly acquired more baby items in my home than can fit. 
I have given up a clean home for a home filled with toys and books and blankets and swings and bouncers and bumbos and bottles. 
I have learned the art of sneaking in and out of a sleeping baby's room. 
I have learned the art of changing a diaper without taking off their pants.
 I have accepted my post baby body and love every stretch mark I have. 
I have learned to love the 5 minutes I get in the shower.
I have realized that my work as a mother is never going to end. Even though I am fully grown, the first person I call when I need help, advice, or comfort is my mom.
 I have learned that nap time snuggles on the couch are way more important than anything else I have to do. 
I have learned that I need Spencer.
 I have realized that more people say hello to the baby instead of saying hello to me, and I'm ok with it.
 I have come to an understanding that if the baby is wearing a white onesie, she WILL poop on it. Every time. 
I have seen so many dirty diapers....
 I have been shocked by how much I miss her if we go on a date for 2 hours.
 I have been amazed at how quickly Brynlee picks up new skills. I have watched her go from sleeping and pooping to sitting up and trying to crawl. 
I have learned that a sleeping baby is probably the most peaceful thing.
 I have learned to appreciate silence. There is nothing like the quiet moment when the baby is actually asleep for the night and you sit on the couch and just soak it in. 
I have realized that with a baby to stare at, I can walk almost any distance and love to! 
I have realized that I talk in baby talk and accidentally play peek a boo with Spencer and I'm ok with it.
 I have come to a small understanding of the love my Father in Heaven feels for me. I feel so grateful and blessed that he trusted me with his precious daughter.
 I am in awe of the many miracles I have experienced in the last 6 months and I'm sure I will see many more. 

And Cue adorable pictures!

My ninja baby :)
She kinda likes  herself!

Daddy is training her young. Little gamer girl.

This picture perfectly captures the way her mouth looks when she is talking. She moves it so funny and it cracks us up!

She always takes her morning naps in my bed. This time, it was laying like a big girl!
These are her 6 month pictures we took at the park! That was the only smiling one we got except for on the swing.

Big girl sitting in the high chair!

At work with Daddy :)

Seeing what Daddy does for work.