Thursday, July 9, 2015

4th of July 2015

This year for 4th of July we drove up to Payson! We left a little bit later than planned after a long morning of a screaming, sensitive two year old and some failed stops for a soda.

 As we were just getting out of town, traffic was completely stopped. It was so dumb! So we drove all the way back into town and took a different way. Needless to say, we got there 2.5 hours later than planned. When we got there we went to Alfonzo's and got lunch. So. Good. We headed to the park where it was humid and SO HOT!! Not what I was expecting. We spent the day walking around, chilling with family, playing with cousins, and enjoying the weather (once it cooled down).

 To say this little girl loves watermelon is an understatement. I'm so glad we ditched the white shirt.

 The fireworks were awesome but shorter than I remembered. It took us 45 minutes to get out of the park and Brynlee fell asleep in that time. We were staying with my friend Mikaela in Payson so we drove to her house and got Brynlee settled in for the night. Spencer and I sat up with Mikaela and her husband Dallin for a while just chatting and we ended up staying up way later than we should have. It wasn't a great nights' sleep because Brynlee was really snotty and so was Spencer so we had lots of snoring and a baby in our bed. The next morning Brynlee was just as sensitive as she was the morning before and just cried and cried and cried and cried....but we finally made it to church. We went to their Spanish branch and it was awesome to hear Spencer bear his testimony in Spanish. Nursery was fun because there were only 4 kids and all 4 of their parents (2 of them were me and Mikaela) were in there! It was super chill. After church the men and Brynlee took naps and Mikaela and I got to talk!! This is a big deal because every time we hang out it is for like an hour and just in passing so we don't get any good quality time. Once everyone got up it started to rain and Brynlee and Eli went out and played in it, then had a bath once they were done.

 We had dinner with them and Dallin's parent's and had the yummiest one pot pasta I have ever had (also the only one). I had 3 servings... We ended up packing up the car and then playing games for the rest of the night. It was so fun. I came out with a super sore finger, a headache from laughing, and a super high heart rate.
*Side note: Fun games to play Ratooke (sp) and Spot it. You won't be disappointed!)*
We drove home around 9 and Brynlee went right to sleep! We made good time and I was so happy to have my own bed back! :) It was a good trip and I loved spending time up North.

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