Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Life is SO good!

I repeat...Life is SO good! We are some happy campers right about now. Everything seems to be working out perfectly for us. I know it's probably bad luck to say anything but we cannot complain! We have been moved into our new apartment for about a week and a half now and are seriously loving it. I am one of those people that doesn't like to live out of boxes, suitcases, etc. When I am somewhere for good, I want to be there....for good! I don't want to have to search through boxes to find a fork. I don't want to trip over boxes because I haven't found a place for their contents yet. I don't want to look and see bare walls when I have boxes and boxes of pretty decorations and picture frames. I don't want to look around and feel like I wouldn't want anybody to come over because I would have to explain that we just moved and haven't quite figured out what we are doing with stuff yet. So here we are, all set up!! We love having the extra space EVERYWHERE. We have room to walk, we have places to put things, and we have color on the walls! I'll go back to the move though.

On Saturday the 23, we got the keys. Friday night we went before they closed and signed the lease (this was a really good idea because it took over and hour to sign the lease and it was nice to just worry about packing up and getting started). Friday night we went to go get my dad's truck so we could use it to pull a trailer he was letting us borrow. Long story short: keys weren't there, trailer wasn't available, Uncle Tyler comes to the rescue! My awesome uncle Tyler offered to come and help us pack up in the morning and use his trailer. It was amazing. Saturday morning we woke up and got everything the rest of the way packed up. We didn't have to be out of the old apartment until the 28th so we didn't worry about cleaning anything, we just loaded up the entire apartment into Tyler's trailer and the back of my dad's truck and took off. We also had some little helpers! Tyler brought Branson and Jarvis to help. They were so cute and helpful. We got the keys and went back to start painting! Tyler, Branson, and Jarvis, along with Whitley helped us unload everything into the apartment. This was also the time when Jarvis stepped in some dog poop and tracked up the walkway to our door and into the baby's room. That was smelly. We thanked them and they left. I don't know what we could have done without them!!!!!!! Right about halfway through unloading the Hons showed up to help. Kathy and Tanner were a huge help in unloading and they stayed to paint the whole day. We painted, and painted, and painted, and painted, from about 11 to 6. It was a looooong day. We got most of the painting done in that day though so we could get our furniture in and sorta put together. All we had to do was to touch up here and there. The last thing we had to do that day was to go to Walmart to buy a microwave and a shower curtain for our guest bathroom. Let's just say, I slept great that night!! Besides being in so much pain ;). I had a really sore back and my hips and knees were killing me! Moving while you are pregnant is not an easy task!

It really looks amazing! It feels like a home, it feels like our home!! Just this past week we have finished touching up the paint, hanging all of the decorations on the walls, and getting all but the last 3 boxes put away (That is my fault. I don't want to put them away. That means I have to find a specific place for them and they just keep telling me they don't want a place!!).

Here are some pictures :) Don't mind the lived in part of the house, it would have been better to do these before we had laundry and dirty dishes and stuff but I wanted everything to be put up before I took them!
Front entry way

This was brown and I put it together and painted it :) Grandma wrote "Welcome Home" and Tatum colored....something haha

Guest Bathroom :)

This is the living room. We are going to get something really cute to put  up on that wall...just don't have anything yet.

My favorite wall of the house, I LOVE this color!! 
Dining Room (Need something on that white wall too, still looking!
Bedroom #2 aka BABY'S ROOM!!! I love this room so much. After some drama with the color of paint at Home Depot, we got the perfect color and I love this room. It's so quiet and is going to look so cute with baby furniture in it!

This room is almost as big as our master bedroom, you just can't tell from the pictures how big it really is!

This is our kitchen! We love all of the cabinet space! We have room for almost everything!

Another view. The big door there is the laundry room. It's nice and big but it doesn't have a washer and dryer yet and it is just sorta plain so I will leave it up to your imagination! :)
Our bedroom! We have so much room in here it is unbelievable! I know you can't see the whole floor, but really....it's almost double the size of our old room!

Those blinds open up to our big patio and storage closet!

This is my photo wall! Very proud of the way it turned out! Don't mind the random red and random people. I think I am going to wait until we have the baby to put some more pictures in there. After all...why look at ourselves when we can look at a really cute baby!!!

Just another picture of the wall so you can see it more in perspective :)

Our HUGE closet!!!! We don't even know what to do with all of this space! Spencer's mom says we just need to buy more clothes to fill it up! My dad disagrees :)

Master Bathroom. It's the same size as the guest bathroom but both are really nice and big.

I don't know if you can tell in any of these pictures but our whole apartment besides the bedrooms is this wood floor looking stuff. It's a kind of vinyl and it looks really REALLY nice! I was a little bit worried about it at first but the color is awesome, it is easier to keep clean and clean up, and it adds something a little bit different to the whole place. I am really happy with it :) It looks especially nice in the bathrooms.

Well this post is really long and congratulations if you made it all the way through! I am so excited to begin this new part of our lives. I can't believe that in August we will be living in this same place with a baby!! How crazy. I could not be happier :)


  1. Your apartment looks AMAZING!! I love all the accent walls, so nice to be able to paint the way you want to!! I am glad you guys are in such a great place. I really like those floors, they look sweet. Thanks for sharing, it is always fun to read new blog posts and see what our AZ family is up to!

  2. Oh my gosh it looks so good! I love the colors you picked out! :) So exciting!!!!!
