Wednesday, March 20, 2013

An exciting Night: Halfway there!

Last night was really fun! We didn't do anything special, we didn't go anywhere, but we had a really cool moment. Last night we were laying in bed and I felt our little baby girl kick me. I told Spencer that I felt her kick and he put his hand on my tummy. He said he wanted to try and feel it. Now. The baby doesn't kick very much or very often. Sometimes only a couple of times a day. I didn't think that she was going to kick anymore and I definitely didn't think he would feel it so I just laid there and let him feel my tummy. She decided to give one more big kick but I didn't say anything and I didn't react, but to my surprise, Spencer says, "I just felt that!". I was so shocked! Since I was just barely figuring out what these little twitch feelings were, I was sure that he wouldn't be able to feel it. But he felt it and said it right when it happened! It was so crazy! He was so excited too! He kissed me on the cheek and told me how cool he thought that was. It made me really excited that he felt it on his own and not just because I told him that she did. He had his hand on my tummy until I fell asleep, trying to feel her kick again. This morning he told me he felt it one more time about 15 minutes after I fell asleep. I am so excited for this phase of the pregnancy! I try to make her move sometimes when I am laying in bed first thing in the morning or right before bed but she doesn't really cooperate. I roll from my back to my side and back again trying to shake her up or wake her up, but she pretty much just kicks whenever she wants to. I am so happy right now!! I am so glad that everything is going ok and that I am halfway done! 20 weeks down, 20 to go! Can't wait for my next doctor's appointment. I love hearing her heartbeat and knowing that she is growing :). Another happy day in the Hon home :)

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