Thursday, March 7, 2013

A new little PRINCESS

It's true! In just a few short months we will be bringing a new little princess into the world!!

I am so stinking excited!! Lucky for me, the days just before the ultrasound went really quickly so I wasn't waiting in agony. Wednesday morning my appointment was at 9:10. Spencer and I got up at like 7:30, he made french toast (you have no idea how big of a deal this is. I had been waiting to eat these amazing strawberries I had on french toast since like Sunday. It was terrible!), and we headed out to the doctor. We had a short wait and they took us back. The ultrasound was so fun. I know it was pretty much the same as every other one, but it is so fun seeing our little baby on the screen. It is also fun because she is a lot farther up now and closer to my tummy so the technician didn't have to push very hard to see her :). She checked the spine, the kidneys, the bladder, the brain, the length of the bones in her legs, the heart (that part was really cool. You could see all 4 chambers and could see them moving....crazy!!), and measured the heart rate. After all of this she tried to find out the gender. Our little lady decided she didn't really want to open her legs (I guess I should be happy about that, but it made it quite frustrating!) After a little bit, the technician had me roll on my side to try and get the baby to move. Shortly afterwards she started to cooperate. The picture was finally clear enough and the technician said, "It's a girl". I was so happy! I have been thinking it was a girl the whole time!! And so had everyone else. It would have been a sad day if everyone and their dog had been wrong; even though I would have loved him either way if it was a boy. She finished up the ultrasound, printed some pictures, and gave us a disc of all of the pictures from the entire ultrasound. This is really nice because now the pictures will be perfect and clear, not blurry and off color.

It's crazy to see how much she looks like a human just from the past 6 weeks. You can see her little face and her fully developed arms :).

Right after, we went in to talk to the doctor and had a short little wait. In that time, Spencer told me that he didn't know why it took her so long to say it was a girl. He said, "I saw the little lines and went...'oh no....there they's a girl' but it took her so long!!"  I proceeded to tell him, "That's so funny because I kept seeing one long line and was like...'oh's a boy...' but then she pointed out the lines and I thought...'oh, ok! that's what I thought!'" Spencer is really happy to have a little girl too :).

After the doctor, we went to Walmart to get a dress and shoes (That's all I could talk Spencer in to buying). We got this adorable little dress, shoes on sale, and we got a picture frame to put the ultrasound pictures in. I think Spencer even had fun picking out this stuff, even though on the way into the store he said, "I don't know if I can handle all of this frilly stuff" to which I replied, "Oh. Just WAIT!!" haha. We also went to Party City and got some little girl balloons. We met my mom and sister at Freestone park to take pictures of us with the pink stuff that we bought, and surprised them with the news. We took pictures and it was really fun. We had some camera troubles and it was pretty hot, but we got through it in good time and ended up with some cute ones! And now, for the moment you have all been waiting for...the pictures! I know I posted these all on facebook but I want to have them on my blog for future.

We love our little Princess tons already and can't wait to meet her! She is going to be perfect, I just know it :) <3
We are one proud mommy and daddy!

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