Monday, June 2, 2014

She's standing / Spencer in the play

That's right. Last night, out of nowhere, she just stood up. She was holding onto a toy and she just let go and stood there for at least 10 seconds completely on her own. I was so shocked! She looked like she did it intentionally and was actually extremely focused on standing. She has done it a few times since then and it is freaking me out! I want her to walk so badly (insert "oh you just wait"s here) but when I saw here standing up by herself it was just too much for me to handle! I literally teared up (yay mommy emotions!). How the heck is she getting so big??

On a happier note...Spencer is doing the play with me now! I know, I'm as shocked as you are! Well, I would be, if I hadn't volunteered him ;). We had someone drop from the play so someone else was left without a partner. After lots of phone calls and nobody to replace him, I volunteered Spencer! He wasn't too easy to convince but when I told him that he would get to be MY dance partner the entire time and would pretty much be able to be next to me the whole time he was much more open to the idea.
I think he likes me!
I started teaching him the dances and he already has one down really well! I am passing my partner to the girl whose partner left, and I actually get to spend time with my hubs! Seriously I'm so excited. I hope he gets a better view of how fun plays are. We did Oliver! and it was not the most fun thing we have ever done. I was sad that that was the show I introduced him to to begin his theater experience (not that it was my fault, I had no idea it was going to be that way). This show is so much fun and I am LOVING it. Seriously. And now it's even better because I get to make goo goo eyes at Spencer the entire time :).

I also got to choreograph something! Guess you will have to come to the show to see it!

We will do a throwback to Oliver! I was telling him about the show and about a costume change and he was like, "Oh yeah, I forgot about changing! Oh man! I have to wear makeup too huh???"
Here's to a husband who loves me enough to put on makeup :)

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