Monday, June 23, 2014

Getting him talking

I have started a new tradition and I love it. I don't remember if I came up with it on my own or saw it somewhere, but it's great and something to remember.

Every night I would talk to Spencer and this is how the conversation would go:

M: How was your day? How was work?
S: Good
M: That's it? That's all I get?
S: I don't know, there isn't much to tell

Let me tell you...that gets old really fast! Plus, I am genuinely interested in what he does and how his day was so this really started to irritate me. I decided I didn't want to have that conversation anymore. I would ask him how his day was and if he said "good" or any of the other cop out answers he got my secret weapon. "What were your 3 favorite moments of the day?" He used to get mad because I made him think, and as soon as I would ask he would groan. He always did it though and it was so nice because it actually made him think about his day, decide which moments were his favorite, and then he actually had something he was excited about to tell me! It worked like magic!

If I wasn't ready for the conversation to be over yet, I would continue "What were your two least favorite moments of the day?" I would also sometimes add, "What was the moment when you felt the most excited, scared, happy, sad, angry, frustrated, surprised, etc." I would make him give me an answer for each of these questions and it actually let me get an insight into how his day went and it gave him something specific to think about. I love it. It has seriously made that 'how was your day' question seem like child's play and we get so much more out of our conversation!

If anybody reads this, I encourage you to try it, or find something that works for you! Let me know how it goes if you try it, or tell me if you have any other tips for having good conversations with your spouse!

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