Wednesday, July 17, 2013

37 LONG Weeks plus a birthday!

It has now officially been 37 weeks since I began this journey of pregnancy. I have 21 days left (If this baby girl doesn't make me go over like this girl's blog I read yesterday.......2 extra weeks!) and I cannot count down fast enough. I am seriously so DONE being pregnant. I love this baby girl more than could ever be said but holy guacamole I am never having another summer baby. I have my next doctor's appointment tomorrow morning so we will see if I am progressing at all :). I have stretch marks covering my entire body, I weigh a good 20 lbs more than my husband (I know....he's kind of a scrawny thing), and I am pretty sure that my baby takes up 99.9% of the room she is allotted in my body. That being said...I don't know how she is supposed to keep growing for the next 3 weeks!!

Everybody has been asking how big baby is and stuff and, while there are no guarantees, the weekly average statistics are these:

Weight: anywhere between 6 and 7 lbs...about 6 1/3 is what my baby bump app tells me
Length: 19.25 in (From what I have read, the baby won't really get any longer. She has reached her peak for the most part. I am eternally grateful for this! Now she is just packing on the fat under her skin to give her that cute baby face I get to see in about 3 weeks :) ).
Comparison: About the size of a swiss chard. What the CRAP is a swiss chard?? I like to say that she more compares to this...

This is my new cousin Lucy. She is now 3 weeks old but in this picture she is about a week old. I know that my baby won't look just like her, but since this week my little bundle is considered full term (please tell me why if she is full term she needs to stay in there!?!?) there is very little difference between baby Lucy and my baby! Much cooler than a swiss chard, I don't care who you are!

This past Sunday was my 21st birthday! It wasn't the most exciting birthday I have ever had because it was on a Sunday so I couldn't go get all of my free food, but I did get spoiled by my hubby! First thing that was amazing...I slept in! That never happens. When I woke up, Spencer made me some eggs and toast and we ate breakfast in bed. We went to church and since it was my birthday I decided that our class needed a small party. I knew I should probably still have a lesson so I prepared a short little story about Zion's Camp and then had them watch a 20 min video about it. It ended up working out really well and the girls even seemed interested in it. I also brought cookies that Spencer made as a treat. I think I was the girls' favorite that day. They sang to me in primary and then we went home. We headed out to the Hons for dinner (my family is in California so we would have gone by there too had there been anybody to see). Spencer's dad honored my request and made Indian Fry Bread for dinner and I was so happy!! We also had some ice cream and then just hung out watching home videos. I love that family and I was so glad that I had some people to spend the night with on my birthday. My mattress pad came on Monday and I LOVE it. It is wonderful. I am also going on Saturday to get a pedicure with my mom. All in all, it was a good birthday.

I am trying to stay busy and focused on getting ready for baby. I have figured out that if I don't keep myself busy and moving, I get really emotional and usually end up crying. So....yeah I try to stay busy. I will update tomorrow about my doctor's appointment.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! A swiss chard... what? Ha. 3 weeks! Yaaaay!!! I can't wait!
