Friday, April 6, 2012

I am officially old news!

It has been two weeks today that I have been married! Time is already flying. I feel like we have been married for a year already, but like the wedding day was yesterday...hmmm. Tonight Spencer and I got to go to my friend Monet's reception. She looked absolutely beautiful and I am so excited for her!
She looks like a fairy princess :)

It was fun to go with my husband and to be one of the ones that could say, "I have already done this and will NEVER have to do it again!" Life is good :). It is crazy though. I have been in this little bubble of me being the topic of conversation, or the one getting presents and now it's Monet's turn! It's fun to see how excited she was and look back on how excited I was and how far I have come since then! ( I know, I'm a fast mover!)

Today was such an amazing day! My honey had to work so I was stuck at home. I didn't really have anything to do so I just told him he could take the car for the day. Mom was busy, so I went back to sleep. Grandma calls me a little bit later and says she doesn't have a playmate for the day and asks if I would like to join her. I said, "YES!". I love my days with grandma, she is pretty much one of my best friends and I feel like we are both 19 years old and just having a grand old time! We went to a  new little place called Durger Dog or something like that. It is on the SE corner of Power and Baseline. NOT by home depot. If you get the ad in the mail, don't follow THAT direction. It was actually really good, service was a little bit slow but I think they were trying to make it personal. They have these things called Apple Fries and let me tell you, I died and went to heaven. They take a slice of apple, deep fry it, cover it in cinnamon, and then give you caramel sauce and whipped cream to put on it on the side. Just sit and drool for a second...I did. Then we went to the movies and saw Mirror Mirror. It was hilarious. Go see it.

Spencer got off of work at 3:30 and my wonderfully thoughtful man decided to go vacuum the car for me :) We are FINALLYYYYYY out of glitter. It looks amazing! We had our first FHE tonight too as our Hon family! We decided to decorate eggs since it is almost Easter! We each did 4, they are cute :)

It means I am an egg! The spanish never ends!

They were the decals like you put on cars but we got them in our build a bear egg decorating kit! It didn't work so good and this bear ended up looking seriously weird...

It was fun and we are both excited about our first Easter together! Afterwards, Spencer decided he wanted to play video games with Hunter (his little brother) so I decided to be productive! I had to make cupcakes for our family Easter party tomorrow and so I did them tonight. I am VERY serious when I say I am the next Rachel Ray. These little cupcakes turned out to be SO cute and I made a million of them and STILL ended up with a clean kitchen afterwards!!! :) I like being a married person.

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