Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The finishing touch!

I have been frustrated over my living room since we moved in. I cannot for the LIFE of me find something to make the big wall look good! I have tried so many different pictures, arrangement of pictures, NO pictures, and still.....big, fat, NOTHING. Today my sweet mother in law decided to take me out to lunch to save me from sitting at home by myself. (I think I make a bigger deal out of that than it really is...but it's ok. I do get bored and it's nice to get out of the house) Anyways, we go to Paradise Bakery for lunch and then she says, "Let's just go look at Kirkland's, you don't have to get anything!" Oh no. That's like saying, it's ok little moth, just go towards the light, it won't hurt you! We walk in and I am immediately in a happier place. Something about Kirkland's just makes a girl happy. (I blame my mom for this one...) We go and look and within the first two minutes, I have found THE piece for over my entertainment center!!!!!!! But do I stop there, NO! Why would I? That would make way too much sense. I decided to keep looking, just because I had never been in that particular store before and maybe it had different things. Boy was I right! Right before we were about to leave, I saw this thing that belongs in my house. I'm serious. I had NO idea where it would go but I knew it had to come home with me. When presenting my items, Spencer's mom says, "Why don't you just get one and then come back for the other one a different day?" This was a good plan. But which do I take home and which do I leave there??? If I leave THE piece, I am pretty much back to square one with the frustration. If I leave the other one, I might never get it. You see, it's on sale and there are only 3 and I saw another lady looking at them after I picked mine up......
*side note* Yesterday I bought a little piece of art from Walmart for about $15 and it didn't end up working...

Anyways, I ended up getting both because I figured that if I took the Walmart one back (Which was already the plan) it was like I was only buying one thing! I committed to her that if I couldn't find a place for the second one in one week, I would bring it back. I went to check out and I got BOTH things for less than $50! Does that EVER happen? No. It was a steal.
I headed home and decided I couldn't wait until Spencer go home to have him help so...I put them up by myself! THE piece looks PERFECT in my living room. And the other piece, has a spot already! My living room finally looks like a put together room; like everything has a place. I know what you are thinking! "Let me see these things!" Ok, since you twisted my arm... :)

This is THE piece :) The flowers are made of rhinestones :)

I didn't realize how dirty and weird this room looks in the picture, but believe me, in person, it's PERFECT! I'm a happy camper! If some people *cough* MOM! *cough* would come and visit ever, they would see it in real life!
Last little bit of news. I have been DYING all day to go swimming! I was counting down the minutes to when Spencer got home so we could go! It was so hot but I was NOT turning on my ac until bedtime. He gets home, we change into our suits, and head down to the pool! We get there and guess what, it's closed until Friday. I seriously almost cried. I came back and made dinner. It was such a bummer... :( But we did take a picture of "our first swim of the summer" that didn't happen. Pardon the weirdness but I just wanted to show how badly we needed some sun...
We are a tad....white... 
Another great day in the Hon home! Preparing my song for my Oliver audition, homework, work, and ice cream!

1 comment:

  1. It looks so cute! And yes, you are definitely a bit white... ;)
