Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The first month

It has been just a little bit over a month since the big day and WOW is being married the best thing ever. This post is going to be really confusing and all over the place but I am just going to spill!

 I have continued to cook dinner almost every night and Spencer says I'm an excellent cook (he does not think anything on the planet is gross though so it's not really a fair statement).

We auditioned for Oliver! together and are enjoying dancing together as ensemble townsfolk! Although it is not his favorite thing to do, it means the world to me that he will do it anyways to spend time with me. I just love that boy :) We have been to three rehearsals and are picking things up quickly :).

 We are also nearing the end of our school semester! We are approaching finals and there is lots of homework. Let's just say our nights are not usually movies and cuddling :( . It's ok though, we are almost done!

 We have also been able to go to a couple of friend's wedding receptions and have about three more this month. My best friend Miranda is getting married on the 31st of this month and I am thrilled! Her and Andy are just so stinking cute... She was nice enough to include me in the wedding and I get to be a bridesmaid! She just gave me my dress yesterday and it is beyond gorgeous! I went over to grandma's yesterday night and we sewed our little hearts out. I was so grateful that I got married first because if I hadn't, my grandma wouldn't be comfortable working with sleeves and wouldn't have been able to alter it for me. She's the best!! My other friend Chantille is getting married in TWO WEEKS! I am so excited for her too. She will be moving in right down the road from us so I am excited to have her so close to me.

We had Spencer's family come over on Sunday night to keep us company. We watched AFV and played catch phrase! It was fun to have all of the boys here and to hang out with the mother in law and Tatum :).

Spencer and I have been to our new ward a total of twice now and this past week was better than the first. I GOT TO  HOLD A BABY DURING RELIEF SOCIETY!! I know, stupid right? But I just sit and watch them and want to hold them but this week I sat down next to a woman with a baby and sure enough, I got to hold him! So fun. The lesson was good and we feel a little bit more comfortable (even though there are only three young couples in the WHOLE ward and everyone else has at least two kids). We are excited for callings and to make some friends!

We have continued with our routine of going to the temple once a week and it is a really nice breather from the world. We just get to go and do work for other people and not worry about ourselves. On a really happy note, I am excited to go to TWO sealings this month. (That is the one thing that I haven't done since we got married)

Other than that, life in the Hon home is just about as normal as normal gets. We are working on our car situation but for now it looks like we will still be using a loaner from the bakery. We feel so blessed to have so many people willing to help us and work with us to make sure we can get around.

The last thing to say on this post is that my ankle is feeling SO MUCH BETTER. I haven't worn my brace in two days and it barely hurt going down the stairs yesterday. I figure since it hasn't been getting better wearing the brace, I might as well try to strengthen it.....here goes nothing!

p.s. It is not official, but Spencer and I have talked about going to Utah this summer for a little while to visit his cousin and his wife! They say we can sleep in their living room. We are also going to Indiana and camping on the beach in California! We want to have a fun first summer :). Also, I will be 20 years old in t-minus 2.5 months! :)

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