Thursday, January 7, 2016

Emily is 6 Weeks Old!

I have been terrible at blogging these first 6 weeks but I can only attribute it to the fact that I had those weeks off of work so I only once sat down at my computer the whole time! It was so nice. But now that I am back to work (a story for another time) I realized I hadn't properly documented any of Emily's life on here!

We just had her 1/2 month appointment (we had to wait because of insurance) and got her stats!
She is 10 lbs even and 22 1/2 in long! She is bigger now than Brynlee was at 4 months! It's crazy...she is growing WAY too fast for my liking. I switched her to size one diapers and size 0-3 month clothes at about 5 weeks.

She is literally the perfect baby. She sleeps 8 hours every night, she eats every 3-5 hours for about 15 min, and she is almost never fussy.

 She is the best snuggler in the whole world! I could just hold her the whole day...except now she is too big to be held in one arm!


Thanksgiving Day 2015

Brynlee was a hard baby. I know it's because she was hungry, but it doesn't change the fact that I spent many nights crying with her in the living room because she wouldn't go down. I can honestly say that I have not had one single moment of that with Emily yet. We had a couple of rough nights that each lasted about an hour, but after I cut out soda, those nights are completely gone.

I started using a shield when Emily was about a week old because nursing hurt SO BAD and she started not latching on one side. I used it exclusively for about 3 weeks and then cut it out cold turkey one day. I never got sore again and she picked it up just fine and we have had no issues since then! :)

Did I mention she is smiling now?? I haven't gotten the perfect smile on camera yet, but I have gotten a few littler ones. 

She loves to lay flat. So far she hates the swing and the bouncer and the rock n play. She just likes to lay flat on her back or flat on her belly. Fine with me :)

She spits up more than Brynlee every did. Brynlee NEVER did so it's not that hard to do beat, but it's been an adjustment for sure. I always have to have a burp cloth handy.

She also never pees when I change her diaper!!! Brynlee used to pee EVERY time I took her diaper off and it would get everywhere and make a huge mess. She has only done it once and that was when Spencer was changing her. It's something I am NOT complaining about.

She loves the car and doesn't mind the carseat. Brynlee HATED the carseat and the car. Emily calms down so quick as soon as we get her in the car. She also doesn't mind the carseat at all unless she has been in it for a LONG time or if Spencer buckles her in.

She is a serious pro with the binky. She loves it. She has from day 1.

She sleeps on her belly. She has for probably two weeks now. I feel ok about it because she is already so strong and can lift her head and switch it from side to side. As soon as I started sleeping her on her belly she became even better of a baby than she already was.

She cries SO MUCH LOUDER than Brynlee did. She has got some lungs, let me tell you. And there are no levels. She goes from completely fine to raging mad in 1 second flat. 

She loves to hang. She likes when you hold her up by her armpits.

She is so mellow. When she is laying on the bed, she literally just lays there, barely even wiggles! Brynlee never ever ever stopped moving so it's weird that she just lays there still as a rock. But it's not a bad thing!
She has baby acne, and it makes me sad. I'm not sure when it's going to go away but I hope it's soon!

She has already been sick twice with a cold. I guess that's the joy of a winter baby. Poor thing!

It has been so fun to cozy her all up and cover her in blankets all the time. Brynlee could never even be in a blanket because it was 1000* out when she was tiny.

Her cord fell off around 8 days. That's when she got her first bath :)

This wasn't her first bath, but it was close :)

She makes the FUNNIEST faces :)

I love this little girl and I love when I can get her to look at me (which she has been doing MUCH more lately!) She is getting really good at following people and really locking eyes.

week to week
1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks
5 weeks
6 weeks

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