Monday, November 16, 2015

Done done done done DONE!

That's the word that anybody who talks to me these days is sick of hearing, especially my poor husband. But it's true. I'm done. I'm done with being so uncomfortable all the time. I'm done not being able to snuggle my sweet Brynlee. I'm done with my feet being the size of the michelin man. I'm done with constant back pain. I'm done with needing to ask for help to do simple things because I am just too big. I'm done with the anxiety of labor...I just want it to happen already. I am done with the looks and the remarks I get every time somebody sees me. I know they are just being nice, but I am just ready enough on my own without other people constantly pointing out how large, ready to pop, or tired I look. You are right people...I am ALL of those things, but I already know them. Just smile and tell me I look pretty :) (Haha but no really....).

I am officially considered full term now at 37 weeks. 
Brynlee was born a week from today so here's hoping. 

I have retired all but 2 pairs of pants, both yoga pants, because of how I have carried this baby, even my old maternity pants are fitting anymore. Plus they are capris and it's getting a bit chilly to not be in pants.

I am healthy.
Baby is healthy.
I'm technically 3 weeks away from D-Day.
People keep telling me I can do this.
I can do this.
I can do this.
It's almost over.
I'll have a baby soon.
This will all be over soon.

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