Monday, November 3, 2014

Brynlee in the Morning

I always take pictures of Brynlee doing things, going places, or important moments in her life. I realized though that there are moments I want to remember that are so ordinary you might not even think twice about them. This is one of them. 

I love when Brynlee gets up in the morning. 
She always has crazy hair from being in a ponytail the day before. It stays like that until it gets wet.
I love that she thinks it is so fun to play with my calculator. She will lay on the floor, holding it above her head, and just play.
I love her faces in the mornings. She is always so rested and full of...spunk ;)
Oh...and I always think she looks like a tree when she wears these jammies :)

1 comment:

  1. Her hair!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha! That made my day.
