Friday, August 22, 2014

The IDEA Museum

Go There.
So. Stinking. Fun.

We went because it's on our pogo passes, not quite sure what to expect. We were there for over 2 hours and still didn't even get around to everything. There is a whole kid play area we didn't even hardly look at. I am taking some friends with me again next week to do the rest of the activities we missed. Brynlee had fun, I had fun, and Spencer had a blast! I think we might go together one night as a date night with just the two of us! I'm not joking. That's how fun it was. It's only $8 per person for the whole time you are there and you bring home at least 10 crafts. Completely worth it.
I'm also very irritated because my phone was taking crappy pictures.

They have this cute area where you grab your bags, dress up warm, and head through airport security. I could not get enough of Brynlee pulling this little suitcase around. And that scarf?? She's ready to roll!

I will start off by saying I have no idea who this girl is! But it just shows Brynlee's personality. She hugs any little kid she sees. I love it.

You make masks! I decided to just leave the eye holes out and made it more of a toy. Brynlee just likes to peel off the pipe cleaner swirls. How dare she ruin my hard work?? ;)

They have a giant bean bag where you can sit and read books about traveling. They also have a flight simulator!

They have a room where kids dress up like they are on a safari, grab a pair of binoculars, and go look for animals painted on the walls. I'm pretty sure this is as close as I will allow Brynlee to get to a snake that size!

They have a blacklight camping room with glow in the dark fishing, a fake fire, tents, picnic tables, dishes, and more! Brynlee liked that room even though I wasn't sure she would.

They have a cool DJ booth where you play the sounds by moving your hands in front of the lasers. Spencer died and went to heaven! 
Brynlee mostly just danced :)

There are even more fun things to do, but these are just what I got pictures of. 
For real.
Go there.

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