Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sick Baby

I thought it was bad with me getting sick, but Brynlee being sick was the worst! It started out on Monday I think. Maybe Tuesday! Can't remember. She woke up in the middle of the night and had a seriously stuffy nose. Poor girl! She acted really cranky all day and didn't sleep very well. I changed her diaper Tuesday morning when she woke up and then she didn't pee ALL DAY! I finally got worried and called her pediatrician. He said that their rule is if they haven't peed in 8 hours, bring them in. We made an appointment and I took her in. I kept feeling like she had a fever but my thermometer only read like 97.5. I don't think she was two degrees cold!! It turns out that my thermometer actually read correct because the one at the doctor said the same thing. He said he didn't see any bacterial infection; her ears looked good, her lungs sounded clear, she wasn't dehydrated, but her throat was red and she definitely had congestion. He said just keep feeding her, suck out her boogies (my words haha), and keep giving her tylenol. She was so grumpy and she slept in my bed half of the night because she wouldn't stay asleep. I even put a pillow under her mattress to elevate her head and propped her up a bit. She started getting better and better until Sunday. That was the worst day. She cried the entire day! By that night, I actually called and asked my mom what the rules were for giving babies sleeping medicine, she told me I probably shouldn't do that! She told me to nurse her to sleep and see if that helped. She hadn't taken a good nap all day and was so overly tired that she just wouldn't calm down. It worked!! And that night, she slept strait through 10 hours!! Didn't make one peep! Ever since then, she has been my little miracle baby. She has been so happy, eating good, sleeping good, and sleeping through the night again. I am so thrilled. It was so cute too because I had her sleeping in her boppy in her bed and she is just snuggled up in a little ball cuddling with her little elephant blankie. I am so happy she is over that cold! Sick babies are NO FUN!

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