Friday, June 15, 2012

Things I Love

I love being married. It's interesting that we have been married for almost three months and I feel like we have been married for forever. At the same time, I feel like our wedding day was just yesterday! It's a weird phenomenon. Anyways, I still love waking up to Spencer every morning. I love making his lunch every day (even though I swore I never would). I love picking up surprises when I go grocery shopping (different kinds of cereal, real tortillas, sour cream, etc.). I love going everywhere together. Seriously, I can't even begin to say how much I love that. It's so nice to not have to call each other constantly to make plans and then wait for him to come pick me up and then one of us driving home pretty late at night. That was the worst. Now we can just go together, come home together, and I LOVE it!! I love that he still wants to call me on his breaks even though I would be totally sick of me if I were him. :) I love that he still loves me even though I freak out sometimes and go crazy on him. And when I say crazy, I mean crazy! Ask him yourself, I pretty much beat him up :). And he still loves me! I love seeing him all ready in the morning and knowing that he's all mine! (I'm so greedy). I love that he knows me well enough to guess when I want to eat a popsicle (no joke, he almost always knows). I love that when I am almost asleep but we haven't said prayer yet, he will basically lift me up off the bed and let me lean on him so I won't fall over, even though it's not very comfortable for him. I love that he gets so excited about whatever dinners I bring him or make him. He makes me feel like a chef!

Anyways, I just really love being married. I love Spencer, I love life, and I love that we are going to play laser tag tonight with our little married friends group :). We are so blessed!

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