Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My newest venture

I decided I am going to start an exercise group! I really need to get into shape, I feel so yucky! The problem? I hate exercising. I hate doing it by myself and I hate most exercise activities. This idea stemmed from my mom's dance party we went to last weekend. I was sweaty and tired, but I just wanted to keep dancing! I love dancing! It's fun so I don't care if I'm tired, I want to keep going! I decided that the best way for me to get in shape is get a group together and just do zumba, just dance, line dancing, anything! That way I have company and it gives me good reason to go! I will be teaching the class, even though it's not really a class. I am planning on bringing my wii and putting on just dance or my zumba game, teaching some fun line dances, and maybe even having some guest teachers sometimes to switch things up! I put it on a couple of facebook groups I am on and have had a lot of positive feedback. I called my bishop and he is checking with the stake president to make sure it's ok if we use the church building but once we get the ok, we are going to do twice a week for an hour in the mornings! I am so excited about it! I thought of it last night and pretty much have it all put together! I love when I get an idea that is plausible and that I am passionate about because it makes me so excited! If anybody wants to come, you are welcome! I am planning on letting everyone bring their kids and either put them in the nursery to play or just hang out in the gym with us. It's going to be so chill, but just a place to get women active without costing a fortune! I was thinking that even if women came that had small babies, they could still do some of the dancing holding their babies which would be an even better workout! I'm so excited!

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