Monday, September 21, 2015

Brynlee through September

I feel like it's about time for another post of the happenings of Brynlee, a lot keeps changing, even in just a week's time.

Brynlee and Grandma are the bestest of buds these days and she wants to do everything grandma does!  She always wants to do curlers with grandma when she's getting ready!

Grammy got new glasses so we went to Costco to pick some out and HAD to try them on!

 Brynlee loves the puppies, she wants to love them climbing all over her, but she just doesn't haha. But she does it anyways. Silly girl!
So. Brynlee got REALLY behind on her shots because of insurance crap and I decided it was finally time to get caught up. I took her to the free clinic in Mesa and she had to get poked 5 times!!! (7 different immunizations) They were actually her 12 month shots. I felt so so bad for her. I think that was one of the hardest things I have had to do. She felt so so betrayed  and I did it to her. Oh it broke my heart. Luckily with some love, some sonic slush, and a trip to the park, she forgave me and kept on smiling that sweet smile! We have to go back in March but then she is DONE! So happy.

 Did I mention Brynlee likes to get ready with Grandma?? She also likes makeup! :)

 Brynlee checked out the book Pinkalicious from the library. She fell in love and wanted to read it every day! It is the one where she turns pink because she eats too many pink cupcakes. Well, because I am the coolest and funnest mom ever, we made some pink sugar cookies with pink sprinkles :). She had so much fun and it was the easiest project ever! She also ate about 4 of them. Oh well! I'm so glad I'm having girls!

 I do this with her shirt a lot when I get her undressed, but this particular time I did it and she left it there and said, "Mommy take a picture?" Well...if you insist :)

Who does this? I walked in her room in the morning to get her up and chimed my normal, "Gooooooood" to which she normally replies, "MORNING!" This morning, she didn't respond so I crept in thinking she was maybe talking in her sleep. She looked at me like this, said, "Turn on the light", and then didn't move. My kid is so weird.

 She also has become EXTREMELY independent. She always wants to get dressed by herself! The only problem is that she gets both legs in one hole EVERY time. It's so funny. One time she did it, stood up, took two steps and fell down sideways and bumped her head. I know that's not funny, but now, every time she is putting on her own pants she says, "Member happened? I bonk my head" haha! She remembers! She is so smart. And in these pictures she just skipped panties all together.

We went to story time at the library and she LOVED it. But this is how it started. The lady was in a pirate costume with a parrot puppet on her hand and Brynlee was NOT too sure about it. By the end she was singing and participating, and as we walked out with her coloring and treasures she says, "That so fun!" haha. We will definitely be going back.

She is completely potty trained now! She takes herself, wipes herself, goes a couple hours without having to pee and then actually lets it all out which is a HUGE improvement. .She is out of diapers for naps and probably could be for bedtime too but since she is still in her crib and she can't get up to take herself, I like to keep it on for just in case. She wakes up dry every morning though. It is seriously so nice being done with the potty training!

She has stopped biting her nails (hallelujia!!!!!!), her hair is growing in thicker and softer, and we finally found a product that will keep it tame through the day. :) She is so cute. Every morning when I get her up she wants to sit with me in the rocking chair for a bit. She even asks for it if I don't go strait there. I love that time with her because it's just us talking.

She speaks in full sentences and has the best memory of anyone I have ever met. She remember every specific detail from things that happened WEEKS ago and talks about them in daily conversation.

She loves to eat daddy's cereal and I could just about DIE because of the way she looks at him. We love that he only has one class this semester so we still get to see him.

I feel like the better she talks, the less she listens. She used to be so obedient and now she just fights every single thing we tell her to do. It's exhausting! By the end of the day my patience is usually super thin. It's a hard age, but I really love it so much. She is her own little person and I am so glad she's MY little person :).

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