Tuesday, June 30, 2015

And Then There Were Four

A little back story. So Spencer and I started trying to have a baby back in September. I wasn't on birth control already so we figured it would happen even quicker than it did with Brynlee. Little did we know that Heavenly Father had a different plan for us. Month after month it was Aunt Flo showing up. It was so hard. The first few months were the worst. I had told a few people that we were trying so it got even harder every month when they would ask how it was going. Or every time people who didn't know would ask when we were going to have another baby. It's like...I'M TRYING! Haha no but really. We both started to get really down about it, but tried to keep our faith in that the Lord had a plan and had better timing than us. Well, finally, it happened. I can't remember why I thought to take the test...I think it was getting close to the time I should have started my period and I had one left so I decided to take it. Well, the blue pregnancy tests suck. Let me tell you. I could almost see a line. In fact, I DID see a line! But it was so faint I felt like my eyes were tricking me. I couldn't tell if I was seeing what I wanted to see or what I was actually seeing. So I got Brynlee ready to go and we headed out the door to buy a different kind of test. Only we get out to the car and the tire is flat. GREAT. So I call my grandma and ask her to pick me some up. The whole day I was just so anxious thinking that I might be but trying not to get my hopes up. 

 I got the pink test, and although the line is still faint (and I'm not positive you can see it on the computer screen) it was there! I AM PREGNANT!!! I held it in until Spencer got home (he was late by the way), put Brynlee in her Big Sister shirt that she had had since November, and when he walked in the door I told him, "Guess what." He asked me what and I told him we were having a baby! This is how that conversation went:
S: Nuh uh
C: Yeah huh!
S: Nuh uh?
C: Yeah huh!!

Then he picked me up and kissed me and we got to celebrate together! Then I called both of our parents and told them that night (no way I was waiting again!). We are so so excited!!! I will do a pregnancy update soon with some ultrasound pictures of our little baby, but for now! We are becoming a family of four!!

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