Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Sunsplash: with Baby!

We get to go to Sunsplash once with our pogo passes. Well, my whole family was going, and grandma was out of town, so she let me use hers and go so Spencer and I could use ours together and go another time! It was pretty fun except for the cramps in the middle! But besides that, Brynlee had a blast, and I loved being in the water.


She had a hard time with the life jacket in the water. She couldn't really touch the ground to get back up when she fell so she just cried. haha!

Snack break. She says, "mmmmm" while she eats. Too cute :)

She likes to point...at everything...


Funny part about this picture. If it had been taken about .5 seconds later, my feet would be up in the air. I would also not be placed on that little blue mat. Those slides are not for adults. You get too much momentum going down so when it spits you out, you slip (and I. Mean. Slip.) across that blue. and you just keep going...onto that hard gravely stuff and onto your back. Later on I asked mom how many people she thought actually saw me do this...I hope it wasn't very many! How embarrassing.

We were all tuckered out after all of the playing in the sun. Can't wait to go again and leave Brynlee so we can ride the rides!!!!!!

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