Monday, June 23, 2014

Father's Day 2014

This father's day was not a super eventful one. I signed Spencer up for the Dollar Shave club, but I accidentally did it too early. It shipped on like May 19th. I thought since it was almost the end of the month that it would just ship out with June's... NOPE! And you know how I am with keeping secrets!! So he got his gift a month in advance. I did end up sneaking him another gift so he actually had something Sunday morning.

Saturday we went to Deseret Book to look for gifts for our dads. We were looking in different places and I saw a book I wanted to get for Spencer. It's called Table Talk and it just has tons of questions in it. *side note: Sometimes I have a hard time getting much out of him when I ask him about his day. I hate the "good" answer. When I saw it, I decided it would be a perfect thing to have to help us get talking.* I hid the book in my stroller and covered it with other books. I even talked to Spencer while it was sitting right there! I sent him to put some stuff back (with very vague instructions) and I checked out. I had the girl put it in a separate bag and I hid it in the diaper bag! It was there the whole rest of the night on our date and I avoided letting him get anything from the diaper bag. He was so surprised the next morning! He couldn't believe I could be so sneaky! It was awesome! We stopped by my parents' house to give my dad his gift and spend some time there and then headed to have dinner at the Hons'. It was a fun night! We played games, had delicious dinner, and enjoyed spending time with family. All in all, I think it was a great Father's day!

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