Sunday, December 1, 2013

Brynlee's 4 month checkup

WEIGHT: 9 lbs 9 oz
HEIGHT: 24 in

     This checkup didn't go as planned. It was on November 26th at 10:00 am. We took her in and right off the bat she was cranky. I had planned her feeding and nap right around then so that she could get her shots, I could nurse her and she would go right to sleep. Well, the doctor took FOREVER to come in so by the time she did I had given up and she was asleep. He came in and told me that she hadn't been growing like she should have. He told me all of this stuff about how if it was because of anything but not enough food, she would have to in to see a GI specialist and have all of these tests. He scared me. He told me that I need to start supplementing with something; whether it's breast milk or formula...she needed more. He told me to nurse and then give her a 2 oz bottle after every feeding. He told me to wait on feeding her rice cereal because if she was clogged up, the cereal would only make it worse. The rest of the appointment went well and even the shots were pretty smooth. I talked the nurse into giving her the actual shots first and then giving her the drink at the end to calm her down. It worked perfect. She cried during the shots and then quieted right down with the drink and never made another fuss. I fed her, gave her tylenol, and she fell right to sleep. I gave her tylenol two more times that day and she never had a hard time (mental note). She has a weight check in two weeks (on the 10th) and she should have gained a pound!!
    We started her on formula that afternoon. I don't have enough breast milk to supplement with it. She drank it just fine and had a huge blowout that next morning (she hadn't pooped for 12+ days). The next day was kinda weird, I think she was feeling under the weather because of the shots, but she just wanted to be held. Thanksgiving afternoon we went and got her a different kind of formula (one without milk as the main ingredient) and she is a lot happier now. It is a bit frustrating because it only took about 4 days for her to almost stop nursing. I don't know exactly how this is all going to turn out but I can at least say that I have done my best with nursing for the past 4 months and that it just wasn't enough. I am not giving up, but I have decided that it's not worth feeling bad about it because my baby is getting what she needs.
Brynlee on her 4 month birthday. What a little princess :)
I think she felt good...what do you think??

Pictures: Month 4 :)

This month:
Brynlee has found her thumb. She doesn't suck on it, she just chews on it like crazy!!
Brynlee has been able to see her friends Jayne and Brigham.
She loves to play on the floor and has been working really hard at rolling from her back to her tummy.
She has been sleeping really good still: 10-12 hours a night!
She loves Strawberry Shortcake and loves falling asleep to it (I know, I'm a terrible mom!)
She got new shoes!! cute! Little pink boots!
She loves her baths every morning and loves looking in the mirror.
She loves daddy :)
Brynlee is our sweet little princess and I can't believe she has already been in our family for 4 months!!

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