Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My family and My projects

So the past week I have been working with Grandma on making Brynlee's dress for Whitley's wedding. We found a FREE pattern, used curtain fabric my grandma already had so...FREE, she already had the elastic...FREE, and she already had red ribbon...FREE! I spent zero dollars making this dress and I did it ALL BY MYSELF. I actually did do it all by myself this time!! I cut, pinned, sewed, hemmed, threaded, etc. all by myself. I was so proud of myself. We found another cute fabric while we were searching for this one so I decided I wanted to make another one!
I am so happy with the way it turned out!! Today I set out on making the other dress. It is this super cute navy blue fabric with white flowers on it. We had just enough fabric to make a dress her size. I also did this one all by myself and it took me less than an hour. (ALSO FREE!) If I ever need her to have something to match something specific, I can cut one of these out no problem and throw it together so quick! I think this one is even cuter than the other one! Right now it has a headband wrapped around it but we are going to make something that looks really close to it because I am in love with how it looks! It also looks really cute on her. She needs some bloomers so you don't see her diaper all the time, but other than that, it's adorable! I'm sad the picture I have of her in it is her crying, but you get the idea :).

Brynlee wasn't feeling very good for the past couple of days. Yesterday was just awful. She barely ate, she slept a TON and when she was awake she was screaming. She woke up at 3:30 am to eat, which she does very rarely, and just was not a happy camper. This morning, she woke up a new baby! She is totally back to normal. She was awake for over an hour, just happy, sitting in her bouncer. She was laughing and smiling non stop, and she had a good afternoon nap! I almost cried when she was smiling at me this morning because I was just so happy to have my happy baby back and feeling better. I guess that's a mom thing...
That face...AH!! I love it too much...
She has also been filling up her diapers as much as they will hold... (and more). I am down to 4 more newborn diapers and I think we are going to move her up to size one. She fits perfectly in the newborn ones now...but they just can't take the heat!
This was from her blowout at party city. I just can't get enough of her little naked body though! Especially when it has a headband and shoes on :). One of my favorite pictures of her by far!

Saturday is Whit's shower and I still have a bunch of stuff to do to get ready. We might have too much stuff to do/going on but at least it won't be boring! I am so glad I have had so many people be willing to help me throw this's my first one! It's going to be sooooo cute too. We have all of the picnic decorations and ideas you could possibly imagine!!! It's going to be a blast, I hope Whitley enjoys herself :).

All is good around the Hon home. Spencer is still doing school and has been super stressed out this week because he had two tests, but that will be over tomorrow night! He also dropped his dumb math class so that has lessened his stress load quite a bit and he seems happier.

Brynlee keeps growing and has been putting on some serious chub in her cheeks...I LOVE IT! Nothing like some extra fluff to kiss on. :)

The last picture I will leave you with makes me laugh! Brynlee sleeps on her tummy most of the time now, but she does this thing where she...well....I'll just let you see for yourself!
I am constantly trying to turn her head to the side but it always ends up like this! I check and make sure she is breathing about every minute or so. Who sleeps like this!?!?!?! CRAZY PEOPLE  My beautiful daughter :).

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