Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Update on Mommy and Baby

I had my first weekly Dr's appointment today! Time is seriously flying by. I cannot wait to have this baby girl in my arms here pretty soon. When I think about it in terms of how many of things I have left, some things seem more than others. For instance:

We have 2 more paychecks until the baby comes...and one of them is this Friday! Crazy right??
I have 4 more Sundays. This one seems like a lot...teaching Primary and sitting through church is getting pretty difficult at this point! I still love it, it's just getting hard.
I have 4 more Wednesdays. That is NUTS!! That's so close! And that is until my due date so it could be even less!
I have 4 more summer movies. Not that memorable but hey! Something to count down!

So's almost here!! I officially have 28 days left and am 36 weeks today.
Here is some of the stuff going on:

I have not been able to wear my wedding ring for some time now. It really bummed me out at first but I am over it. With how fat my fingers get in this Arizona heat, I am so glad to not have a ring cutting off more blood flow! Once I couldn't wear my wedding ring anymore I switched my CTR ring over to that finger. I then proceeded to lose that ring on our trip to Idaho. So sad.

I. AM. HUGE. The other night, Spencer's brother Hayden (he's almost 16 so I guess I have to forgive him) told me, "Holy cow! Your stomach is bigger than yesterday!" No. I don't think it was. But the fact that to some people it looks bigger every single day is a bit depressing! I still have 4 more weeks!

*I made up a song, sung to the tune of 'I am like a star shining brightly' that goes something like this:*
I am like I whale in the ocean
Swimming for the whole world to see
I am really huge
I make the other fish look tiny
And I keep getting bigger each day
----catchy huh??----
I am also very swollen. My face, my feet, my ankles, my hands...everything! I thought I was going to avoid this part but BOY was I wrong! My mom says I get what I deserve because apparently I made her swell up pretty good when she was pregnant with me...I don't know if that was necessarily my fault though... ;)

I am seriously and COMPLETELY done with being hot. We have been trying to keep off our air conditioning as much as possible since it costs so much money, but I am almost to the point of saying "Screw it! Here is $500, turn me into a popsicle!" I can't even barely get dressed in the mornings because I can't imagine putting on a whole other layer of clothing. It actually made me late to my Dr. appointment this morning because I just couldn't bring myself to put clothes on. I am hot 99.9% of the time and the only time I get relief is when we are in our car (the AC is like magic in our car. One of the only parts of it that works reliably) or walking into Wal Mart (my new favorite activity).

I am getting the baby's room ready for her to come. Yesterday my mom and grandma came over and we went through all of my stuff, figured out what I still needed, and went shopping!! It was so fun to actually be able to buy stuff for my baby! I got newborn diapers, binkys, some clothes, some stuff to organize the room with, a diaper genie, a crib sheet and pad, and I'm sure other things too...can't remember! It was seriously so fun!!!! I am so excited to finish her room and get it all cleaned up so that it can stop stressing me out that it's so messy.

I have noticed myself becoming increasingly grouchy and bossy. I am bossy to begin with so that doesn't help...but I blame the increase on the fact that I am just very done being pregnant. I love this little girl, and I have had a really easy pregnancy, but I am ready to be D.O.N.E. I apologize to anybody that I have snapped at or cried at or even just gave a nasty look to in the past week or so. I feel it getting worse too. I think it's a good thing that I notice it, but I don't really know what to do to stop it so I have decided that I am just prepared to say sorry a bazillion times for the next 4 weeks...especially to my husband. That poor man.

I have said goodbye to my old friend sleep. We used to be so close, and now we just keep drifting farther and farther apart! :( The fact that it takes me actually waking up and making a conscious effort to even roll over makes nights very restless. It is seriously a 5 step process.
-turn shoulders
-turn hips
-turn shoulders
-turn hips
-reposition head
Tell me that's not annoying. Plus we don't have our air on all night so I wake up in the middle of the night sweating like a dog! Even though I have a floor fan blowing right on me plus the ceiling fan. Also add into that the 3 trips to the bathroom PER NIGHT and you have a very long, very tiring night. At least I can still take naps...

Today at the doctor I had my cervix checked and my doctor told me that I am a fingertip dilated which she says is not quite 1 cm yet but not closed either. I am happy about that! At least it's something! I go again next Thursday so we will see if I make any progress. I would also like to say that my extreme weight gain is subsiding! Between my last two appointments I had gained 8 lbs in 2 weeks. I know...disgusting. This time though, I only gained 4 lbs in 2 weeks! That is something I can live with! I have just decided that my weight is not something I am worried about and that I want to be able to eat what I want, when I want, and there is nothing that can stop me!! Bring on the star crunch and ice cream!

This weekend is my BIRTHDAY!! I will be 21, finally! What is going to change you ask? Well...nothing. But hey, it's still going to be fun! The best part about my birthday is my present from my husband and my mother. My husband made my entire world by ordering us a mattress pad for our bed. Since I hardly ever sleep anymore, I am so excited to have something that will at least help me be more comfortable while I am trying... It should be here in a couple of days! My husband is AWESOME! My mom is taking me to get a pedicure next weekend so I will have cute toes for when my baby is born. I am so excited. It is basically all that I have been looking forward to about my birthday this year...since joke.

I am feeling excited, nervous, tired, cranky, emotional, hungry, achy, and fantastic all at the same time. Tell me how that works!!?? Me and Spencer are both ready for this baby to come. When I told him about my appointment he said, "Just tell them to induce you! Fingertip is good enough!"

And on that note...HAPPY WEDNESDAY!

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